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Showing posts from March, 2010

it's holy week, show His love

Ephesians 5:2  (NLT) ---  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. The love of God is something I find hard to completely understand or to get a real grasp on.  Because when I think about it more and more, I see how much bigger and better it is than I really ever expected.  Here is a song that keeps bringing tears to my eyes: "Hold Us Together" by Matt Maher It don't have a job, Don't pay your bills, Won't buy you a home In Beverly Hills Won't fix your life And find easy steps, Ain't the low or the limp Or the government But it's all you need.. Love, will, hold us together, Make us a shelter to weather the storm And I'll, be, my brothers keeper So the whole world will know That we're not alone It's waiting for you, Knockin' at your door!  Every moment of truth When your heart hits the floor... This is th...

it's holy week, lets serve

John 12:35  (NLT) ---  Jesus replied, "My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. It was the last week of Jesus' life.  At least that is what people refer to as holy week.  In that week we find the last Sunday and so many other events of Jesus' life.  It began with his entry into Jerusalem where the people praised Jesus.  It ended with people begging for his death, his death and finally his conquering death.  What an incredible week. There has to be a part of this week that gets your attention in a bigger way.  For me that is seen in Jesus being a servant.  A servant who served those around him.  A servant that gave up his life for people not even born yet.  Jesus was a willing servant, and holy week reminds me of that fact. In the verse above Jesus told people to walk in the light.  It is when we walk in his light...

meet Roger Marsh

I just got a call from my friend Roger.  He lives just north of the Dallas / Ft. Worth area in a small town, but this man has a huge heart.  Roger Marsh is the executive director of the National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries ( ).  His vision is to help establish ministries at ever motorsports venue in the United States and beyond.  Roger is headed to Martinsville right now as he will be part of our weekend activities with Martinsville Raceway Ministries ( ) at Martinsville Speedway ( ).  When you meet Roger, you will meet a man who lives with courage, inspiring others and totally devoted to leading people to know Jesus.  His integrity and character are strong.  It is an honor to call Roger my friend and to serve with him.  I hope you will get to meet him soon!  You can get to know Roger Marsh on his facebook page ( HERE ).  Welcome to Martinsville, Roger Marsh!

have you denied Jesus?

Mark 14:31 (NASB) ---   But   Peter   kept saying insistently, "Even if I have to   die   with You, I will not deny You!" And they all were saying the same thing also. You remember Peter.  He was one of the most exciting parts of those who followed Jesus.  He was the only disciple to walk on water.  His mother in law was healed by Jesus.  He preached the sermon when the Holy Spirit was sent to earth.  He was also the only disciple that Jesus said "get behind me Satan." The verse above was shared right after Jesus said someone would betray Him.  Jesus said to Peter that before the rooster crowed the next morning Peter would deny Jesus 3 times.  But you heard what Peter said ... I will die with you and never deny you. Peter walked away, and it hurt him big time.  We have all walked away in some way.  It may be in our actions, our words or in some other way.  Yet the walking away can happen in a moment.  It can last a short time or a long time.  How have ...

Fwd: Register for Whiteboard (wouldn't miss this for the world)

Click to  View in your browser. And Get FREE Audio from WIBO 2008! When you register for the Early Bird Rate by March 31st, you'll also get FREE audio from Whiteboard's 2008 event! This is a limited time offer! The Whiteboard Sessions is a one-day conference about ideas in ministry on Friday, May 21, 2010 in Virginia Beach . Here's the formula: 1 Day 7 Influential Leaders 30 Minutes Each to Present One, Compelling Idea Whiteboard Presenters: Dr. Al Mohler - president of Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY James MacDonald - pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Rolling Meadows, IL Jonathan Falwell - pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA Jon Tyson - founding pastor of Trinity Grace Church in New York City Eric Mason - A29 board, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia Perry Noble - lead pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC Tony Morgan - leading blogger & strategist, author of Killing Cockroaches Worship Artist, C...

why was Jesus passionate?

One of my favorite movies is the Passion of Christ  that came out several years ago.  The brutality of Jesus' death is graphic.  Yet it may be pretty close to what really happened.  Jesus was beaten and died so that you and I could have life. Jesus was passionate because He loved people.  It was God's plan for Jesus to die to redeem and forgive those who come to God.  We have so much to be thankful for. Isaiah 53:11 (NASB) --- As a result of the anguish of His soul, He   will   see it and be satisfied; By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant,   will   justify the many, As He   will   bear their iniquities His death was something Jesus chose to give.  When you read the verses that talk about Jesus dying on the cross, you read about the passion God has for people.  You read about the lengths that God will go to to love and save the people he loves.  That is you and me. Titus 2:14 (NLT) --- He   gave   his   life   to free us from every kind of sin...

I need some peace

Philippians 4:7  (NLT) ---  Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Do you need peace in your life?  I sure do, and I would do almost anything for it.  How about you? Far too many people live with and get used to a life without peace, yet God offers us His peace that will change more than just our attitude.  What is it that keeps you from having peace?  Don't blame other people.  Don't blame your situation or debt or your health.  You and I can have peace in the middle of chaos if we want to. In the movie HOOK Robin Williams who plays the part of Peter Pan is told to find his 'happy place'.  It was there that he would find what he needs and find the ability to accomplish what he wanted to do.  The place and thought he found was of his children, and that place freed him from concern, trouble and so much more. I believe that when we...

faith and works builds bridges

James 2: 16-17 (NASB) --- and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?   Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. Faith and works is one of those struggling points that many Christians have trouble with.  Since I was young, here is what I have been taught: "It's not faith plus works. It's not faith and works.  It's faith that works."   When people can see that our faith is alive and active and doing something to us and through us, it is then that our faith is evident.  I believe and the Bible confirms that we are saved by faith alone, yet our faith ought to leave us different. The verses above point to two different people.  One is the person who sees a need and simple says nice things.  The other is the person who sees a need and meets it as well as speaking to it.  The second is the person who has faith that works. ...

serve others, give blood

1 John 1:7  (NLT) ---  But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. Yesterday we helped host a Red Cross blood drive here in our building.  90 units of blood were donated which can potentially serve more than 100 people who have a need for blood. I stepped back at one point and thought about how the blood of Jesus saves us.  Jesus served us and all who accept Him by giving His blood.  No, it was not at a blood drive.  It was on the cruel cross where His life was given.  He became a sacrifice for others to live.  That is powerful. Through Jesus' blood we have eternal life.  Our sins are forgiven.  We have peace with God.  We have eternal life with God in heaven.  Through His blood and the relationship we have with God, we have help while we are still on earth.  That all came with the price of Jesus giving His blood. Leviticus 17:11  (NASB) ---  ...

Raceway Ministries Volunteers

It is time.  We are putting together our workers for the race March 26, 27 & 28.  Drivers are needed!  Workers under our tents and in the information booths are needed!  Snacks of all kinds are needed.  Step up and let us know when you can serve.  Send me an email or give me a call (both are below) so we will be ready to serve the race fans who are coming to Martinsville.  Pass the word and invite others to join us. Your help is needed AND you are an important part of our Raceway Ministries Martinsville team.  I look forward to hearing from you soon... Michael Harrison 276-647-8231 office blog --- facebook --- twitter ---

The Table, Tuesday, March 16

It is time again for The Table. It is next tuesday at Forest Hills Presby in Martinsville. This experience will be something very different celebrating Easter (something like I've not done before method wise). Plus added this time is a time to serve serve the needy in our community by packing boxes of items that will help. Here are some notes: Service. Tuesday. March 16 at 6:30pm Place. Forest Hills Presby in the renovated chapel Volunteers. Needed to arrive before 5:30 Bring. Items for the boxes to pack for the needy (non perishable food, blankets, etc) Need info? Let me know soon. But do me a favor. Tell others about this meeting. I will be there and would like for some of you to go with me. Thanks! Michael

help hurting people [+] Thursday E-Devotion

Hebrews 13:16  (NLT) ---  And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. I just left an incredible meeting with influential people in our community.  Some of them are from faith based organizations, some from non-profits and some from government agencies.  It really was eye opening. Each of us come from different points of view.  Our philosophy, vision and practice are worlds apart.  Yet one thing is central. We all want to help hurting people.   These people look different as well.  Some are families, some are single, some have kids but are all alone.  Their needs can come from different angles as well.  Yet deep down there is something that holds them and us on the same page.  That something is life and the desire to live. I believe that we all can live with hope and purpose.  We all must live with truth, and truth is a person whose name is Jesus.  Hope comes from Him.  Dreams are fueled, filled and ...

Chose Jesus, love people

Joshua 24:14 -15 (NASB) --- "Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers   served   beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. "If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers   served   which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." We don't serve a God that tells us what to do.  He has not made us puppets to do what he wants.  God gave us a choice, we have a will and we can do what we want to do.  Yet many of us have seen, learned and experienced that our best choice is to go with God.  Following Him is not always simple and it is always right. I have heard those verses all my life.  They hung on the wall of my parent's bedroom when I was growing up.  "Chose who you will serve."  God or som...

SERVolution ... example to serve

Jesus set the example that we are to serve.  He gave us the who, what, how and much more about how to love people the way that God loves people.  By serving, we share the heart of who our God is. Sunday we kicked off SERVolution  at The Community Fellowship .  In the next month we will have lots of opportunities.  Look HERE for all of those. Jesus' example hits me hard in this passage of Scripture: John 13:3-5,12-15  (NASB) --- Jesus,   knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that   He had come forth from God and was going back to God, got up from supper, and laid aside His garments; and taking a towel, He   girded Himself.  Then He poured water into the basin, and began to   wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. ā€¦ So when He had washed their feet, and   taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you?  "You call Me   Teacher a...

UNLEASH 2010 tweets (from the afternoon)

here are my TWEETS from  UNLEASH  afternoon.  Session two with Perry Noble and Breakout session on hiring, firing and creating a great culture for staff.  Follow me on twitter at  @michaelharrison   Who do you have standing around you? @ perrynoble   When a man of God gathers his leaders around him, he can take the rocks & keep on. @ perrynoble   PASSION. Acts 14:19 ppl thot Paul was dead. But disciples gathered around him. Ministering to him. @ perrynoble On your staff--- Keep short accounts. Share expectations. Honor their time. @ perrynoble   Cast vision and let your staff go. Empower them. @ perrynoble Your job pastor is to make sure youth ministry and children's ministry is funded. Then stay out of the way. @ perrynoble Listen to your staff. Reason we r effective is I listen. Ask WHAT DO YOU THINK? @ perrynoble   Get big vision from God. Want great leaders? Get His big vision. @ perrynoble Lead with integrity not guilt. Be solid. Be pure. Lead the way in purity....