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Showing posts from August, 2014

how to pray (during a mission trip)

Tomorrow is almost here.   Our team of 12 is headed to Nicaragua to serve in several ways and solely for the purpose of sharing Godā€™s love through acts of kindness, meeting needs and telling what God has done for us. Whether you are on the trip of staying home, there is a big something that you have to be part of.   That is the PRAYER TEAM.   You have been asked to pray, and I once again ask you to spend some time each day, between now and next Saturday night lifting our mission team to the Lord. Jude 1:20   NLT But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, PRAY FOR: Jeannie, Kim, George, Tracy, Carolyn, Megan, Steve, Moriah, Tina, Betsy, China and Michael (me).   SCHEDULE: traveling this Saturday and next Saturday, ministry in local villages churches on Sunday, various ministry points including food, kids events, radio, pastorā€™s school, and more will take place Monday throu...

2 days till Nicaragua

In just two days a team of 12 people from our church will be on the way to serve in Nicaragua with Because We Care Ministries.   Leading this trip will be Steve and Tina Stone.   Todayā€™s post was written by Steve earlier this year, and I share much of it again today as we prepare to travel this Saturday.  May this past help us see from Godā€™s perspective: Matthew 28:19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The words go, goest, going, goings, goeth, and gone appear in the King James Version of the bible 2004 times!  While the words stay, stays, stayeth, and stayed appear 69 times!  Any question of what God wants Christians to do? A survey of professing Christians sadly revealed that 95% of all Christians have never led a non-believer to Christ; 80% of all Christians do not consistently witness for Christ; and only 2% are involved in a ministry of evangelism. ...

volunteer of the week KAREN ORR

This week we honor Karen Orr as The Community Fellowshipā€™s Volunteer of the Week.   Karen Orr has began regularly attending The Community Fellowship about one year ago.   She has served in our back2school ministry for 5 years washing the childrenā€™s feet and having the opportunity to talk with, pray over and encourage them.   Karen helped our church serve meals to the homeless the 3 rd Sunday of each month in Roanoke at the Acts 2 Mission when we were learning how to work with the homeless and having a feeding ministry.   When her schedule allows, she helps with the 2 nd Saturday meal the church serves each month during our community Clothes Closet.   This summer Karen volunteered at the Woodmen of the World event the church sponsored in Fieldale and was a blessing to everyone she encountered there as she loves people and she loves to help others.    ...


Join Kasim Adams and the team from Baptist Builders again this Thursday at our new campus.  We've come a long way, and we've got a long way to go.  Your help would be awesome!

time to make a difference

I recently shared a song with you that asked a question of God.   The answer was simple and profound.   The song is Matthew Westā€™s Do Something where God is asked ā€œwhy donā€™t you do somethingā€ about the pain and hurt in our world.   In turn God answers ā€œI did, I created youā€. That is the fact of our purpose in the world.   God fills us and blesses us so that we can share with others.   Our lives are intended to make a difference in the world, in the lives of the people that we come in contact with.   Life is not intended to be lived selfishly or without purpose.   God fills us with purpose and points us in a various directions to share and influence people. The song goes on to say ā€œIf not us, then who.   If not me and you, right now is the time for us to do something.ā€   What is it that God is calling you to do so that you will be making a difference in the lives of the people you come in contact with? Psalm 112:9   NLT ...

some great quotes

In four days our team will be on an airplane headed to the central American paradise called Nicaragua.   There are mountains and beaches, cities and countryside, and we will be spending our time at some villages off the normal path.   I am excited about being stretched and serving in ways and places outside of our comfort zone. Thinking about the things we often share there so are so many verses from the Bible that people quote all the time.   You probably have your favorites.   I have mine.   Sometimes we forget where those verses are found.   I had some great meetings yesterday, and in preparing for one of those leader meetings I read through a bunch of quotes.   It made me think of many of the sayings that stick out in my mind. There are many great people who said things that stick out.   There are many verses that I share often.   The best things that last and are most powerful are the ones rooted in the Bible Here are...

preparing for our mission trip

This coming weekend I will travel with a team of 12 people from our church to serve in Nicaragua.   I am excited.   It has been over 13 years since I have been in Central America.   Will you pray for our team? We will be working with Donald and Pamela Gillette who lead Because We Care Ministries from their ministry site in Somotillo, Nicaragua.   They serve villages all around them meeting needs and sharing Jesus.   Donald has been a pastor for many years, and he continues to inspire pastors across Central America. Will you please pray for our team?   The team is made up of Kim Key, Tina Stone, Steve Stone, George Hopkins, Jeannie Hopkins, Moriah Hodges, Betsy Hodges, Tracy Mosley, Megan Hines, China Biggs, Carolyn Holland and myself.   Pray for our safety, for God to use us and that He would work in our lives. Acts 1:8   NLT But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.   And you will be my witness es,...

COOKOUT this Sunday evening

It is time for a good old fashioned Community get together.  This Sunday evening at 6pm on the back porch of our new campus we are having a COOKOUT.  Everyone is invited to spend the evening together. Bring hamburger patties and hotdogs that you can throw on the grill.  Also bring the fixings like chips, beans, slaw and desserts.  Buns and drinks will be provided by the church.  We will also provide ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, cheese, tomato and lettuce. Pass the word.  Get ready for some fun.  We will see you first for worship Sunday morning at 10:10am and then at the cookout at 6pm! ALSO --- we are beginning to collect travel size toiletry items for homeless friends.  Bring them through September 2nd. ALSO --- remember that our REACH ministry provides a free community meal each Saturday evening at 5pm at the Martinsville Hotel.  REACH is also putting on a special event at the Martinsville Farmers' market on Saturday, September 13th.  Listen for more details. ...

it never gets old

Last night was the wrap up meeting for back2school outreach 2014, and we ended by sharing stories that stick out to us that we saw God do as we sought to serve students in our community.   It never gets old to hear others talk about the glory of God. Joshua 4:6   NLT We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, ā€˜What do these stones mean?ā€™ Joshua was one of the strongest voices for the kingdom of God.   At this point the people of God built an altar to praise God and to remind others what their God had done.   Every time one of their children about the stones they were to hear the story of how God helped the children of Israel cross the Jordan River on dry ground.   This is something that only God could have done. We have lost more opportunities than we know of telling others about what we have seen and experienced what God has done.   There have been instances where we know God has healed frie...

the conflict inside

Admit it.   Thatā€™s the best place to start.   Inside each of us, in our minds and sometimes our hearts, there is a battle going on between good and evil, between right and wrong motives.   To be honest about that battle is to have a ā€œleg upā€ on finding victory. Some people have a much easier time with motives than others.   Some people act out of selfishness more than others do.   Inside every human being there is a desire to be successful, but we have to get to the heart of it.   Why do we want what we want?   Why do we act and respond the way we do? Even the best of the people, by our standards the best, battle emotions and wrong motives.   That is why we have to trust God to convict us of wrong and give us wisdom to do what is right. In Matthew 20 Jesus dealt with two of his disciples that were having a hard time understanding what was most important in life.   Jesus set them straight after their question to Him.   As...