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Showing posts from March, 2015

feed the hungry!

Todayā€™s post is written by Adrienne Hubbard who helps lead our student ministry at The Community Fellowship.   She and her husband have been married for 6 years and have 2 awesome boys.   Adrienne and Sean have been part of The Community since the church began.   Enjoy what she has written and place help our students as you are led!!! John 15:12 ā€œThis is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you...ā€ There are many times in my devotions that I have had that verse and thought, I do that, I love others. But too many times I let an opportunity of actually showing love go by.   Whether it is because of fear, distrust or how much of a financial burden it would cost, I have let moments of showing Godā€™s love go wasted. At the beginning of 2015 my husband and I decided to make a family goal of truly loving one another, and I am not talking about just more love for each other.   I am talking about loving strangers whose stories we do...

LAST INVITE for winter shelter celebration (Tuesday, March 31st)

If you volunteered, donated, prayed or spread the word about Martinsville's WINTER / WARMING SHELTER, you are invited to celebrate with us the success of this project. This meal and celebration time will take place Tuesday, March 31st at 7pm at the shelter located in the gym at Martinsville's Salvation Army (at the corner of Bridge Street and Memorial Blvd).   Bring side dishes that will go with fried chicken as well as bread and desserts.   RSVP by emailing or call 276-647-8231 today! We look forward to celebrating with you! Shauntrice Williams, Salvation Army, Martinsville, VA, 276-638-7259 Bradley Long, Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, VA, 276-632-5411 Michael Harrison, The Community, Collinsville, VA, 276-647-8231   NOTE: we ask that you continue to pray for a permanent homeless shelter in our community.  Location organizations such as ours that serve the homeless in our community rely on the donations of friends and par...

quotes on Easter

Thoughts from past Easter posts as we look forward to this coming Sunday and our Easter celebration of our risen Saviorā€¦. (the following was shared in April of last year) This is not just another holiday.  It is a holy day.  It is another day that culture has twisted, shaded and pointed in another direction.  It is the day or the weekend that we remember the death of the greatest leader of all time.  It is the time when we walk back in to the tomb and find once again, same as last time, it is empty because our Savior is alive and well.  It is a day that lifts and celebrates the radical change that Jesus Christ continues to bring to this world. Hebrews 12:2   NLT We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.  Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.  Now he is seated in the place of honor beside Godā€™s throne. Think about this incredible point o...

God comes through on His promises

I believe you would agree with me that the greatest man to ever live was Jesus.   His plan given to Him by His father was to let the entire world know of His love. 2 Peter 3:9   NASB The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. The promises of God are things we have to hold on to each and every day.   If we take some time to look through Godā€™s promises to us, we will find that they all have come true.   That means that the promises we are still looking for will come true as well. John 3:17   NASB For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. That same journey to examine the promises will lead us to see that the best gift and best promise of God is complete in His son.   There is a thread of Godā€™s grace all the way from Genesis to Revelation, and that grace...

sharing Jesus with others

Luke 14:23   NLT So his master said, ā€˜Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full. Twice each year the world descends on our community as the NASCAR world comes to town for racing at Martinsville Speedway.   Thousands of people from the racing community as well as race fans come to town for a few days, and this provides an opportunity to talk with people about Jesus. That is why for the last 28 races, 14 years, I have chosen to be part of Raceway Ministries Martinsville where we offer worship services, free refreshments and serve disabled fans through the use of passenger golf cart rides.   All this takes place so that we can be ambassadors of Christ. To urge people to meet Jesus isnā€™t an option, itā€™s an obligation.   To share Christ with people and invite people to meet him is a responsibility, and it is also an opportunity to help people change their lives forever. 1 Cor...

help homeless friends in Martinsville and Henry County

friends of the homeless in Martinsville and Henry County! A few months ago we registered with KROGER for their rewards program.  This morning we received notice that 16 families used their rewards cards for us, and in turn we will receive a check for over $100.  That allows us to serve more homeless friends.  This is a WIN for sure.   Therefore, I ask you to post this information (or share it however you can).  Simple go to  and register your rewards card by choosing The Community Dream Center.  It is a simple way to get resources to help those we want to make a difference with. Also next Tuesday, March 31st at 7pm at the Martinsville Salvation Army there will be a celebration banquet for the success of the Martinsville Winter / warming Shelter.  You are invited to attend if you took part in this effort, but we need you to RSVP if you haven't already.  Let me know.  Continue to pray for a permanent homeless shelter for men and families in our area.  ...

things I like

Ecclesiastes 8:15   NLT So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life . That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun. Todayā€™s post is a bit more personal in nature than most.   Just feeling like I need to share some of the things that are on my mind.   Thanks for reading, and I pray you will be encouraged a little. There are lots of things I like, and this week affords me the opportunity to enjoy them.   As I share a few of them with you I do so to remind you that life is meant to be enjoyed, fun and to have purpose. I like spring.   Seems like just a couple weeks ago we were shoveling snow and stayed all bundled up due to the extremely cold weather.   I do like snow and winter, but the joys of spring are happening.   A couple times in the past few days I have been able to roll down the windows of the tru...

adventure awaits

Several times in the past few weeks I have ended up in conversations that included Mark Battersonā€™s book In A Pit With A Lion On The Snowy Day .   Right after the start of The Community Fellowship this book made its way in to our lives and was consumed by our leaders.   Thatā€™s why I share this post (though it is almost 8 years old).   It rings true in my mindā€¦ read on! --- Push me. Drive me. Give me something to live for. That is what lots of church people expect from their leaders. Yet God has not called your church or mine to meet all the needs and not even to feed you spiritual. God calls us to help people learn to eat spiritually, to love God and to chase after Him. I continue to be greatly challenged by Mark Batterson and his book In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day .   It is top notch in itā€™s shouting vision and giving clarity to people looking to God and who desire to be part of a purpose driven adventure that only God could put together...

dealing with discouragement

Sunday we continued our ā€œBuilt God Toughā€ series and talked about the huge problem of mental illness, depression and discouragement.   This is one of those areas that for a long time churches have avoided talking about.   We at The Community Fellowship deal with people every day who are struggling with this stuff. Some of those people have been diagnosed with an illness, yet far many more simply deal with the real struggles and pain of the battle of the mind.   God has a plan for all of us.   He made us to win and gives us strength.   By trusting God and having faith, we will push our fear, frustration and even the overwhelming thoughts of failure. Philippians 4:6-7   NLT Donā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience Godā€™s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. E...

I love Jesus

Ephesians 1:4   NLT Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Easter is the time we celebrate the fact that our God, the one we worship year round is alive.   So many of the worldā€™s leaders, spiritual and otherwise, are wasting away in some tomb or grave.   It is not so with our Savior. Jesus is alive.   His love remains true now and forever.   I continue to be overwhelmed by the love of God.   How is it that our all knowing and perfect God would love me since I am flawed and have many issues?   The only way to resolve that love and how He loves us is to by faith accept the fact that Godā€™s love has no strings attached and is based on His unconditional covenant with us. Nothing changes, nothing removes, nothing cancels Godā€™s love for us, His children.   All around us there is evidence of Godā€™s love.   Listen to the stories of the people you know that have ...

celebrate our WINTER / WARMING SHELTER success (it's a banquet)

BANQUET for the Martinsville WINTER / WARMING SHELTER Tuesday, March 31st at 7pm; Salvation Army gym RSVP by replying to this email Hello friend of the homeless, It is amazing to look back over the last three and half months and see all we have been able to accomplish through the Martinsville WINTER / WARMING SHELTER.  The only way we could have had the success we've experienced is to acknowledge that this would not have been possible without the help of all our partners and volunteer team team. You are invited to a celebration.  On Tuesday, March 31st at 7pm there will be a  CELEBRATION BANQUET for the Martinsville WINTER / WARMING SHELTER .  This will take place at our shelter, the Salvation Army at the corner of Bridge Street and Memorial Boulevard in Martinsville.   All volunteers, partners, those who donated and friends are encouraged to take part in this celebration, and you are welcome to bring your spouse or a friend.  Also pass this invitation on to others who may not be g...

help with EASTER egg hunt

Dear Community family and friends, I need your help! We are having an Easter egg hunt for the children on April 4th at 3:00 at our new campus. We need individually wrapped candy (for the eggs), some toys for prizes, canned drinks or caprisuns, and individual bags of chips. We will need the toys and candy by March 29th and I will have a box available at church on Sunday to put them in. If you can donate the other items, let me know. If you can help that day, that would be great too! See you this Sunday at church.  Our new curriculum for our preschoolers and kids is going well.  Let me know if you'd like to help with kids on Sunday morning as well. Thanks everyone! Julie Harrison Community Kids ministry leader [ to learn more about The Community Fellowship or Dream Center give us a call at 276-647-8231 or email us  by clicking here . Please give online  by clicking this link  ]

stop playing it safe

Do you think that people of faith have a tendency to play it safe?  I do, and it ticks me off.  There.  I said it. Far too often God reveals His best to us and give us wide-open opportunities to live for Him, to stretch and live our faith.  What do we do?  We end up playing it safe.   Someone says, "I am just not sure about it."  Another chimes in, "It doesn't feel comfortable."  Someone else, "That's not reasonable." Ok.  Let's stop there and consider what it means to play it safe.  Could it mean you don't take any risks?  Yes.  Could it mean that you do nothing unless you understand it or it seems reasonable?  Most likely.  Could playing it safe mean that you miss God most of the time?  Yep.  Definitely.  So what are you going to do about it? Playing it safe is not something I suggest for people who want to see God move and work.  In fact, what I do suggest is ... if you ...

volunteers of the week REACH MINISTRY PARTNERS

This weekā€™s volunteer of the week at The Community Fellowship is actually several groups of people who have partnered with us feed the hungry in our community!!!   A few times each month The Community Fellowship recognizes individuals that stand out in their, often quiet, efforts to bless others.  This week we want to express our overwhelming gratitude to the many churches, organizations, groups and individuals that generously help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in REACH Ministry.   The ladies at First Baptist Bassett get together to make beautiful knit hats, footies, blankets and gloves and then donate them to us to give to our friends Uptown during regular feedings.  Each time we present these gifts they become cherished and much needed items to those receiving them.  Many times weā€™ve seen people come to the feedings without proper covering from the cold, and it is an honor to ...