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Showing posts from July, 2015

it's here #back2school 2015

Matthew 19:14   NLT But Jesus said, ā€œLet the children come to me. Donā€™t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.ā€    The stories from our back2school events of the past never get old.   When someone speaks of their experience, my passion gains even more momentum. At last nightā€™s volunteer training a teen girl raised her hand to share her story.   The church that she is part has become one of our partners and has helped us prepare for the success of this yearā€™s event.   I didnā€™t expect her story.   But this precious girl said that when she was younger that her family came to our church and received help through the event that gave supplies, shoes and backpacks.   She said that is not only grateful for the help, but she is now excited that she gets to give back through serving. I was speechless.   My eyes began to grow tears.   How this touched my heart because we ...

special needs kids @ #back2school

PRAY FOR the #back2school outreach 2015: special needs students being served on Friday and all others being served on Saturday (almost 1,500 students are registered for this event). Luke 18:16   NASB But Jesus called for them, saying, ā€œPermit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. There are several part of our #back2school outreach that get me excited, but I would like to share one of the more recent and most challenging. A couple years ago we added an extra day to our event.   It is the day before the big day, and that is when we have chosen to serve children and their families who have special needs.   It really is an incredible day with all kinds of blessings as well as challenges. Some kids have special needs that make being in a crowd difficult.   Other students have some health problems that make getting around a struggle.   No matter the challenge we are ready and willin...

together for #back2school

Ways to make #back2school 2015 a success: pray for all involved (those served and those serving), volunteer at one of 4 churches, give to support the events, be part of the big event on Friday and Saturday, AND attend the celebration Sunday, August 2nd at 6pm at The Community Fellowship in Collinsville! Matthew 18:20   NLT For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. It is incredible to get together with a couple hundred friends for a common cause.   One of my favorite happenings of #back2school is when we come together to put the school supplies in backpacks.   I cannot even come up with the right words or how grateful I am for all the partners who are joining us this year. It is for the children and their families.   When they receive their backpack as well as the other items, we will be able to bless these people and tell them about the hope that comes from Christ.   The partnerships of church gr...

#back2school is almost here

Mark 10:13   CEB People were bringing children to Jesus so that he would bless themā€¦   This is one of the greatest weeks of the year as we celebrate the children of our community through our #back2school outreach.  This will be our 8th year, and there are 1,450 students registered to be blessed at the 4 churches serving this year (Fairway Baptist, Mercy Crossing, Mt. Calvary PH, and The Community Fellowship).   These children will hear the Gospel of how Jesus will change their lives and will be reminded that they have great potential.  What an incredible thing it is to bless children!  Just like the verse above, Jesus lived out the blessings.  We can do the same.   Pray for the students we will serve that God will change many lives and many families.  Some do not go to church.  Some do go to church.  But each and every child is important to God.   At 1:30 on Saturday afternoon at The Community Fellowship...

Brenton Hall funeral and BACK2SCHOOL

Community family - ā€‹This is of the fastest moving weeks of our year as we are almost to back2school.  Continue praying for this event, for our church family and for our community! As you know Brenton Hall passed away this past Saturday ending his battle with cancer.  This is difficult, yet we know that this precious 2 year old got his healing in heaven.  The visitation for the family is tonight, Tuesday, from 6 to 8pm at Moody Funeral home in Stuart.  The funeral will be at the same place Wednesday morning at 11am.  Please continue to pray for this family and for me as I share at the funeral. Being our back2school week there is much to get done.  If you are able, please volunteer during the day at church in the clothes closet or in other areas.  Tonight at 6pm at our new campus we will be packing backpacks with all the other churches taking part in this year's event.  Wednesday afternoon and evening we will be setting up the church, and as much help as possible would be great.  Thu...

what is YOUR VERSE?

Our current series is called YOUR VERSE and highlights verses that come to our mind through life.   One of the verses that crosses my mind as I deal with choices and struggles is this: Psalm 119:11   NIV I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. It is Scripture that can pull us out of the most difficult of situations if we have allowed verses to come alive in our hearts and minds.   Scripture was given to us by God, and God made Bible verses to give us power and freedom to live. Hebrews 4:12   NASB For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The Bible is alive.   It is active.   The reason this is true is because the Bible contains Godā€™s word, it is Godā€™s word and Jesus is the Word.   We will see this again in a few minut...

do right from the heart

2 Chronicles 25:2 NASB He did right in the sight of the Lord, yet not with a whole heart. That verse was written about a king.   He was the leader of people and of the land.   Specifically that kingā€™s name was Amaziah.   The content of that verse said this man had problems. Far too many people are living that same way.   They are the faithful at church and even serve in ministries as well as do great things, but their hearts, motives and actions are for the wrong reason.   The phrase ā€œnot with a whole heartā€ troubles me greatly. I believe that Godā€™s desire is to have men and women who are completely sold out to Him.   Our world is in deep desire of real people who really live for God.   These kind of people stop playing games while they are living for God. Let me make this clear.   I did not say this person dresses right, acts right and is always serious.   The man or women I am speaking of can come from all walks of li...