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Showing posts from January, 2020

you light up my life

Inspiration is a big deal.  I remember several situations in my younger years where a group of people were led to encourage someone else. In elementary school our music teacher taught us Debbie Booneā€™s song  You Light Up My Life  that we sung to another teacher or to our principal on a special occasions.  Everyone in the class, or so I seem to remember, was excited to be part of singing this song to this special person. How will I inspire others?  How will I choose to encourage someone this weekend?  It is a choice to be the one who shares life and helps people know that they are special and important to others. Step up and be an encourager today. Hebrews 10:25  NLT And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but   encourage   one   another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. 2 Corinthians 13:11  NLT Dear brothers and sisters, I clo...

the servants

1 Thessalonians 3:7  NLT So we have been   greatly   encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. It is not all during times of suffering and struggle, but I have met some incredible people over the past several decades that have given themselves to the cause of Christ.  These people continue to encourage me through the marks they left on my life. There are people all around us who are doing amazing things.  Many of us are blind.  No, we can see as good as the next person, but we are not looking for the people that God is mightily using. I am talking about little old ladies who show up often to serve and love on others.  People like Helen at our church and Cornelia that prayed for me when I was young.   I am talking about the people who arenā€™t seen by many people but often are working under the so-called radar an...

needing a shepherd

Matthew 9:36  NLT When he saw the crowds, he had   compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like   sheep   without a shepherd. Problems arise quickly when someone has no guidance.  It is much like the verse we are using with our theme at The Community Fellowship this year of #2020Vision that says people perish or run wild without God-given vision or truth. I would say this is a problem rampant through our culture and around the world that we live in today.  The verse above says it well.  In fact go back to the Bible and notice that the words are most often printed in red meaning Jesus spoke them. Jesus said that people were on His heart because they needed a shepherd to guide and love them.  That is what God wants to do for each and every one of us.  He is guide and life.  He is strength and confidence.  He is peace and giver of truth.  Why d...

freedom from God

John 8:36  NLT So if the   Son   sets you   free, you are truly   free. The following a devotion from Henri Nouwen titled ā€œFreedom is Our Goalā€.   While fear and anger are the most natural and most obvious reactions to a state of emergency, they have to be unmasked as expressions of our false selves. When we are trembling with fear or seething with anger, we have sold ourselves to the world or to a false god. Fear and anger take our freedom away and make us victims of the strong seductions of our world. Fear, as well as anger, when we look at them in solitude and quiet, reveal to us how deeply our sense of worth is dependent either on our success in the world or on the opinions of others. We suddenly realize that we have become what we do or what others think of us. May God help us to know the freedom He offers!

who inspires you?

Who are the people that inspire you?  There are many different people in my book.  Some of them are from history.  Some of them are from stories I have heard.  Some of them are personal and people who have impacted my life.  We need to be inspired. Most of the people that stick out to me are those who loved sacrificially.  These are people like Mother Teresa or Billy Graham.  Others would be like the sweet little lady at church that serves so faithfully or a friend that has many times gone out of their way to serve you. Romans 12:9  NLT Donā€™t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Loving the way Jesus loves is sacrificial.  It is giving of itself not expecting anything in return or totally unconditional.   To love like this will help those loved be more confident and help more people know they are lo...

truth about Jesus

John 3:31-36  NLT ā€œHe has come from above and is greater than anyone else. We are of the earth, and we speak of earthly things, but he has come from heaven and is greater than anyone else.   32  He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but how few believe what he tells them!   33  Anyone who accepts his testimony can affirm that God is true.   34  For he is sent by God. He speaks Godā€™s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.   35  The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands.   36  And anyone who believes in Godā€™s Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesnā€™t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under Godā€™s angry judgment.ā€ Yesterday I brought back to our hearing and thinking the truth of salvation.  Today I am taking this a step further.  It might be a theology lesson, but really what I am sharing is simple truth about who Jesus is and who God d...