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Showing posts from March, 2020

who ya gonna believe?

Who are you gonna believe?  Tough question, but this is reality.  If you think fake news isnā€™t happening, you might want to think again.  You can be positive or negative, hopeful or full of anxiety. The issue around the pandemic seems to heighten with every new press briefing and announcement from each governor.  COVID-19 does really change every day with more cases and more deaths, yet I also hear good news from many different directions that lift me and encourage me to go forward. Likeā€¦ I saw news this morning that there were fewer deaths overnight than were expected. Likeā€¦ I read a story about an elderly lady somewhere who chose to give her support to others in the middle of her own health crisis. Likeā€¦ I have heard stories of many churches that have stepped up to serve in their perspective communities. Likeā€¦ I have seen our local non-profits begin to partner in stronger and better ways than in the past. Likeā€¦ Our ow...

opportunities for great joy

We began our study walking through James more than a month ago.  It remains true that the theme is this: Struggles are real, and we need God.   Here is a simple history of the sermons I have shared and the topics that are powerful.  Take some time to read back through James 1.  We will make our way Through James 1 after Easter.  Here is the synopsis: Joy During Our Struggles James 1:2-4  NLT Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. The Wisdom from God James 1:5-6  NLT If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.   But when you ask him, be sure...

Sundays at The Community

Dear Community friends and family Sundays are just different right now.  The coronavirus leaves us having to meet online, and that is where we are today.  I have a few things that I want to remind you of.... First, keep praying that the virus goes away and that people are safe.  God is in control, and He hears our prayers. Second, keep on serving.  Your neighbors and your friends still need to see Jesus at work.  Take the opportunities you get.  Stay safe and practice social distancing, but it is still right to choose to serve. Third, join us online for church at at 10:10am each Sunday morning.  I cannot wait to be back together as a church family.  That will happen, but for now we will meet online!  Easter is 2 weeks away.  Be watching and listening for some highlights this coming week. Fourth, choose to give online.  Go to and click "give online" so you can continue to be faithful in your giving.  This is a time when...

focus on the future, not the virus

We have never been here before.  That is one reason that this situation is so hard.  Many have characterized it as worse than the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  No matter the case we have much ahead of us. It is my opinion that things will not be the same when this is over.  There will be a new normal.  In the struggles ahead we will experience things we have never experienced. We can make our plans.  We can strategize, but there is not telling what is ahead and how it will all play out. We will get there.  This will end. The most important thing is we do not give us.  This virus will not end the world.  It is not going to steal our faith. We will press on.  Paul said it best. Philippians 3:12-16  NASB Not that I have already   obtained   it   or have already   become perfect, but I press on   so that I may   lay hold...

be a giver (and more)

There are many things to think about during this down time.  Wait, this is now down time.  This is being told to stay home time.  Maybe life has taken a weird turn for you as it has for others.  That simply means for a while things are going to be different.  But honestly many things may never be the same. As I think through that life was life just a few weeks ago and what it is like now there are some things that have to continue.  I do not apologize for sharing what I am today.  Yet I do ask that you seriously consider some things that are important. Be a witness. Share your faith in your social media posts, in your daily interaction with no matter who you encounter.  Faith over fear.  Worship over worry.  Christ over all the chaos. Matthew 5:16  NASB Let your   light   shine   before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and...

make others better

Jude 1:20  NLT But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, One of the things that will kill your momentum and rob of your strength is comparison.  When we judge ourselves based on someone elseā€™s wins, their looks, their Facebook persona or anything else, we have lessened our God given value. Comparison will kill your future possibilities as well as you ability to help others be better and stronger.  The choice is yours and mine to stop putting ourselves up next to someone else. Speaking personally in light of the present pandemic and chaos that it is causing as a pastor it is easy to choose to compare our church and ministry with others.  It is not wrong to get ideas and even use what others are doing.  But when we belittle others or think less of others we have chosen to go down the wrong road. It has been incredible over the las...