The last of Christmas Favs. It comes down to this, and most importantly the one Fav that we cannot miss ever. You got. His name...JESUS. Born at Christmas more than 2,000 years ago (not Dec 25th yet this is the day we remember). Sent from God. Savior of the world. Our Savior. My Savior and my friend. There has been much talk this year of people who push Christ out of their Christmas. That just cannot happen. We need to interject Him more. Talk about Him daily. Let people see How Jesus would act, how He would give and what He would say. You know, I don't think Jesus would get angry because of people misusing the holiday (its OK to disagree with me) but our Jesus would see with eyes of compassion, with a heart of understanding that people, more than ever, need Him. There are people dying lost, going to Hell that we can share with. Use your time. Use the opportunitie...