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Showing posts from December, 2008

more people for Jesus in 2009

I met a new friend on the internet who has become a giver of insight, a producer of thinking and a creative force to inspire greater leadership out of me.  Best yet, the dude loves Jesus and is doing what he does to help ministries and churches be more effective at winning people to Jesus.  Meet Matt Knisely from Oklahoma.  Follow him on twitter  .  Be inspired. In an upcoming article that he wrote, Matt discusses the challenges that churches have in reaching younger generations.  There are huge challenges, but there are also huge opportunities.  Greater still is the number of people we can reach if we simply get creative.  Think about it: 1 Corinthians 9:22  (nasb) --- To the weak I became weak, that I  might  win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means  save  some. 2 Peter 3:9  (nasb) --- The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient towa...

brave in 2009

Create a revolution by serving people . - Dino Rizzo   That quote left me almost speechless as I drove between Georgia and Virginia this past week.  I am always amazed at what God does and how He does it. My mind was wandering and getting tired when I began listening to some interviews.  Then I heard that quote.  It not only fits what is going on at The Community Fellowship, but it makes sense, real sense.  I can apply that.  How about you? Galatians 5:13  (nlt) --- For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to  serve  one another in  love . 1 John 3:17  (nlt) --- If someone has enough money to live well and sees a  brother  or sister in  need  but shows no compassionā€”how can God's love be in that person? Proverbs 19:17  (nlt) --- If you  help  the ...

Make Your Move

We're making our move toward a new year, and there seems to be so much before us. Lots of questions. Lots of opportunities. But we have some huge choices. I don't know or understand chess. Checkers is hard enough. But to be in the game you gave to 'make your move' at some point. Where are you going? Why that direction? What's my purpose? No new questions. It's time for strategy, prayer and for God to give us the next move. I want that. No, I have to have that. God is doing much in me making me rethink church, leadership and life. That means making my move is kind of scary. It's also an adventure. Excited and scared at the same time. My heart's desire, what I'm called to do is lead people to life change for Jesus. Nothing is more fulfilling. Nothing is as thrilling. So, are you ready to 'make your move'? The time is here. Take a look: Isaiah 6, Philippians 2, Hebrews 1 & 12, Matthew 5, 1 John 4 & 5... I prayed this prayer th...

Merry CHRISTmas

We are currently in Georgia with Julie's family and having a great time celebrating Jesus' birthday.  But we want to wish you a blessed and CHRIST filled holiday.  May 2009 have huge blessings for you and may we all see many lives changed for Him. PASTOR MICHAEL Matthew 1:21  (nlt) --- And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Merry CHRISTmas

From our family to yours, and we are excited about all the celebration we get to be part of. This past Sunday I shared the following with our church family.  Thought it would give you something to think about and some encouragement to love like Jesus loves: First Corinthians 13     (Christmas version)  If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, with strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls,   but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator. If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime: but do not show love to my family, I'm just another cook.                                             ...

Santa, Meet my Son

Ryan is 5, and we are still working on the reality thing this holiday. But he asked to go meet the big guy from up north. So off we went to the local grocery store to meet this jolly old fellow. Ryan couldn't stop talking on our way there. He talked the entire trip home, but while sitting on Santa's knee Ryan said almost nothing. Priceless. I love these holiday moments.

random LOVE thoughts

As we drove to Georgia this past Sunday, I had several thoughts that were really, really good.  One of the things I enjoy doing (but don't do a lot) is listening to podcasts of some of my favorite preachers ( Francis Chan , Andy Stanley , Craig Groeschel , Perry Noble and others).  In the midst of our LOVE MORE ... EXPECT LESS. series and hearing feed back fro our Give Back challenge, I continue to be overwhelmed by how God is loving people through us. I reflect back on the things God was birthing in me this past summer, and something hit me.  No, it wasn't my wife hitting me cause I said something dumb, and it wasn't one of the children throwing something from the back of the Tahoe.  It was big truck passing us somewhere in South Carolina.  It was a truck from  Target stores, and I noticed their slogan:  Expect More. Pay Less .  It was during the summer that I began praying for our 2009 theme of  Love More ......

caption please

Please supply a caption for this picture.  Email caption to . Not sure what to think about this?

The Starbucks Generosity Chain

Reprinting this from Ben Arment's  History in the Making  The Starbucks Generosity Chain So apparently here at our friendly Suwanee Starbucks there was an epidemic of generosity that broke out on Monday morning. A long line of customers starting paying for the drinks behind them . It went on and on - it was going to be some kind of world record - until someone here at our company (who shall remain nameless =) unknowingly broke the chain . Hey, I wouldn't have done it either... I ain't paying for someone's venti and a bag of muffins . =) We continue our GIVE BACK challenge along with our LOVE MORE ... EXPECT LESS.  series at The Community Fellowship and I am looking for great stories of how others are giving to others.  This one caught my attention.  Make someone's day at Starbucks or McDonald's or wherever you may be this Christmas week...

what really matters

Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter .  - Tim Kizziar (quoted in Crazy Love    by Francis Chan  ) Our LOVE MORE ... EXPECT LESS.  series is getting better each week, and this is coming Sunday is our 3rd week and just maybe the biggest of them all.  We celebrate the birth of Jesus as well as seek to understand what God was doing in sending His son.  For over 2000 years Jesus has shown us what really matters and how to impact the lives of people we meet. I think somethings will change in us if we really understand and see and seek to grasp how much God loves us.  Then we will love others differently and love them more. John 15:12  (nlt) --- This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. Not an option.  It is a choice, but it is also our responsibility.  Now fo...

the gift of giving

we can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving  - quoted from a friend's email  I had the honor of spending some time this morning with one of the homeless men who comes to our church.  We've had numerous of these guys come see us in the past few months.  Our clothes closet opens the door and give us many chances to witness and share as well as meet needs.  But there are very few times when I get to connect with, have true heart to heart conversations.  Today's was a huge blessing in so many ways (I'll share more later as far as some things God is doing). One of my favorite parts of Christmas and of being a Christian is giving.  I believe that  the gift of giving  leads people to see the real reason for the season and our celebration.   We have to take the opportunities.  Sometimes they are risky.  Sometimes they are just different.  But far too often we give things that mea...

Joe Sangl's "10 Reasons I Promote Debt Freedom"

I cannot really tell you the feelings that Julie and I are having at this moment.  Joy and confidence are real.  Yesterday we met with Joe Sangl for the 2nd time.  Joe is a the pastor of financial counseling and planning at NewSpring in Anderson, South Carolina.   These are not magic tips, but Joe promotes what the Bible says about our money and how we, as God's kids, can win with money and use it for the best God has for us.  In fact, Julie and I have had fewer fights and are now on the same page about how we spend our money and lead our family. This is good.  Below is a blog post from Joe.  People, I am excited to tell you that I want to lead others to find the peace of God in every area of life.  Read on: Visit     for real help on making our money work for GOD.   Listen to this podcast to learn how you can find peace in your finances. 10 Reasons I Promote Debt Freedom Her...

a Christmas Worship Experience

We would like to  invite you to join us at The Community Fellowship for a Christmas Worship Experience this Sunday, December 21st at 10:10 am Contemporary Worship. Relevant Message. Something for everyone. 'demonstrating the love of God to our community' The Community Fellowship inside the Collinsville Shopping Center 2674 Virginia Avenue Collinsville, Virginia 276-647-8231 Please send this invitation to others who would enjoy our CHRISTmas celebration.

Join The Community for a Christmas Worship Experience

You are invited to join The Community Fellowship for a Christmas Worship Experience Sunday, December 21st at 10:10 am Contemporary Worship. Relevant Message. Something for everyone. 'demonstrating the love of God to our community' The Community Fellowship 2474 Virginia Avenue Collinsville, Virginia 276-647-8231 Please pass this invitation on to others who would be blessed by our time together as we celebrate CHRISTmas!

CHRIST Celebration

I love Christmas, but sometimes I get a little crazy with it.  My wife would tell you a strange kind of crazy (like Scrooge or someone who is a bit 'AR').  Yet I understand some of the things going on.  I love it! When I say crazy, let me tell you something that gets me going a bit in an angry direction.  Yesterday I received an email a ministry friend in an Asian country.  They were wishing me a "Merry X-mas".  Let's just say I was a bit put off --- miffed --- ticked off --- sour --- mad --- you name it.  That was me. Why?  People need to understand, especially Christians, that this holiday has nothing to do with thing or person X.  It has everything to do with Christ.  It is His day, and every day it His day.   Do you agree?  I know you do.  But too often we miss that part with good intentions.  Remember the 'road to hell is paved with good intentions'.  I j...

Send an EXTRA Christmas Card

When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address.  If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.  A Great Idea!!! When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:         A Recovering American Soldier         c/o Walter Reed Army Medical   Center         6900 Georgia Avenue,NW         Washington , D.C. 20307-5001 Please pass this on.

What would you do if you were brave?

Michael Hyatt   asked this question via twitter yesterday:  What would you do if you were brave? I still don't know how to answer that because there is so much that I want to do and so many things I desire to see happen.  Do you feel the same?  Many of you do. So what holds us back?  What keeps us from moving forward?  There are so many answers from fear to simply the unknown and beyond.  So, in today's devotion I want to let you peek into just a little of what I have been thinking about and longing for in life and at the Community Fellowship.  Remember we are talking about LOVE MORE ... EXPECT LESS.   and will be centering on and focusing on this for some time.  Why?  I believe that there are a couple things that the church needs to get right: First, we are to be creative because we have the greatest message to share.  And it is the Christmas message that this season and life is all about Je...

Oklahoma Sooners Quarterback wins Heisman

Character: In Vogue, Strike a Pose, Heisman Style Posted on  December 15, 2008  by bradlomenick Sam Bradford , the quarterback for the University of Oklahoma, won the  Heisman Trophy Award  Saturday night in New York City. Colt McCoy and Tim Tebow were a close second and third, respectively.  These three quarterbacks are incredibly talented, lead their teams with great emotion and precision, and have the world at their fingertips. They are all three great leaders and amazingly competent at the quarterback position. But also, they are all three incredibly humble, and the first word that typically describes them according to their coaches and those around them is CHARACTER. Seems character is back in style. Never necessarily went out, but it is definitely back in.  Character wins again. (reposted from Brad Lomenick's is the title)