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Showing posts from May, 2009

keep on, don't stop

This weekend is going to be so good at The Community Fellowship as we revisit our vision and ask God to take up to a new level of serving people and loving people in His name.  As we think about and plan for the future, there are some things from the past that won't leave my mind.  They are words that make me keep on and won't let me stop.  I almost hear God saying, "keep on, don't stop!" That is fresh.  Have you ever heard God say something like that?  We know this about God: 1 Thessalonians 5:24   (nlt) --- God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful. Lamentations 3:22-24  (nlt) --- The faithful love of the L ord  never ends!  His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  I say to myself, "The L ord  is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" In Steven Furtick's message for the One Prayer series, I hear some of these same things being said to us.  God s...

do you love people?

I was reading through stuff on Twitter when I came across a post that something like this: I hate meetings but I love people. A paradox. True.  I dislike the mundane but love the relationships.  God loves people.  That is what is always on His heart.  His creation, His plan, His truth all revolves around people and nothing else ... not on stuff or things or even situations.   Answer the question: do you love people?  You have to answer that honestly.  There are some people that are hard to love.  There are some people who are impossible to love.  There are some people who are easy to love.  Which of those does God love most?  All of them.  Right down the middle.  No partiality from Him toward anyone.  God loves you and me.  He calls us and commands us to love people.  Remember? Matthew 22:39   (nlt) --- A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. We've heard that.  We believe that (at least we say that we do).  Now, we have to live that o...

I LOVE STICKY FINGERS: Greatest Dad Grill & Sauce Giveaway!

I love Sticky Fingers BBQ .  In fact my family will be at the beach in just a couple weeks.  Several things on our agenda: visit Barefoot Community Church , lots of time on the beach , family rides on the golf cart, long walks on Apache Pier AND eating at my favorite BBQ place. Thought I pass along this promotion of theirs below.  ENJOY! Problem viewing? Click here. Official Rules Forward to a Friend   |  Visit Us Online   |   Find A Location   |   Deluxe Sauce Pack   |   Gift Cards Mail Order   |   View Our Menu   |   Online Order Call Us To Cater   |   Tell Us About Yourself    Sticky Fingers, 710 Johnnie Dodds Blvd., Suite 100, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.

What Can Your God Do?

You have got to read THIS blog post from Perry Noble .  He's right.  We don't have a clue, and I see this more and more in my life and in the lives of the people I get to talk to.  Where have we missed how big God is and all He is able to do?  Have we missed that in our own minds?  I think we have missed it because we are blind and even build walls.  It comes through our own poor judgement and human thinking.  That is why we have to let God improve or change our thinking.  Do you agree? Case: Abraham was told to sacrifice his son.  His only son who was promised to him in his old age.  What did Abraham do?  He followed God.  Here is why: Hebrews 11:19   (nlt) --- Abraham reasoned that if Isaac died, God was able to bring him back to life again. And in a sense, Abraham did receive his son back from the dead. Case: 3 men who were about to be killed if they didn't give in to the pressure of a bad king.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were those men.  Here is ...

the church that God built

Matthew 16:18  (nlt) ---  ... (Jesus said) upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. I have to say that I am more excited about the vision that God has given The Community Fellowship than I have ever been.  This weekend God renewed and even rebuilt some of the passion inside me for the work He is doing here.  That also means that Satan isn't happy and is working overtime.  Yet that doesn't take away from the vision God has given us. We are in a short series about the vision and mission of The Community .  One of the stories from Acts that I used on Sunday hit me, and I have to share it with you.  Honestly, this is what I am expecting God to do (similar things) in the coming days.  Read on: Acts 3:4-11  (nlt) ---  Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, "Look at us!"  5  The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money.  6  But Peter said, "I don't have any silver or gold ...

new The Community T-SHIRTS (due by June 1)

We are taking orders for new The Community T-SHIRTS .   The last day to order is Monday, June 1st.  Here are the details: COST:   $10 each (money is due when you pick up your shirts SIZES:   smallest YOUTH SMALL, largest 4X (above 3X will be $1 more) COLORS :  main color is CHARCOAL (for mission team, leadership, etc) but can choose from BLACK, RED, BROWN, FOREST, BLUE, NAVY, PURPLE TO ORDER  Call the church at 276-647-8231 or email us at Some prayer needs for today: Sarah Taylor is having a medical procedure this afternoon since she has lost her baby (she was just over 2 months pregnant), Kaity Bruce is leaving this morning for the Army, Angel Spencer (Cindy Hall's daughter) is home from the hospital with her new baby daughter Marie (continue to pray for the baby's arm which is much improved already). Remember that God has called us to demonstrate the love of GOD to community .  I pray we will do that personally and as a church body in big w...

what we are about

This Sunday begins a series at The Community about our vision.  So, I thought I'd give you just some thoughts, some background, some heart, some passion, some of who we are and what we are about.  You get the point, I am sure.  This is my passion.  Plain and simple.  Read on and join us if your heart beats as mine does! Why The Community Fellowship was birthed: We exist to exalt God, influence others and encourage one another.  Exalting God is all about worshipping Him since everything is about Him.  Influencing others is evangelism and planting the Word of God by seeing that people accept Christ and that churches are planted where they are needed.  Encouraging one another suggests that unity come by being family in every way we can dream as we are members together because Jesus made a huge difference in our lives.   2 statements that define us are: The church is to be most CREATIVE institution on earth because we have the GREATEST message to share.  We are to get the ATTE...

Christian One Liners

One of our church leaders sent me these this morning.  Knew I needed to pass a few along.  Read and be inspired! It is easier to preach ten sermons Than it is to live one.  People are funny; they want the front of the bus, Middle of the road, And back of the church. Some minds are like concrete Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.  Don't put a question mark where God put a period. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the  called.  God grades on the cross, not the curve. He who angers you, controls you!  The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.  You can tell how big a person is By what it takes to discourage him. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.   It's about learning to dance in the rain. 

random thoughts

As I have finally returned to the office after a great week at a conference here in our state, there are many, many things on my mind.  Preparing to kick off a new sermon series this weekend on our church's vision is just one of them.  Another is the needs of families and those hurting in our area.  I see more every day.  Yet as I look back over the last few days, here are some things and thoughts that have stuck with me: In the past you have encouraged many a troubled soul to trust in God; you have supported those who were weak. Your words have strengthened the fallen. Job 4:3-4 I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" Lamentations 3:24 Jonathan Falwell wrote in the front cover of the conference brochure this sentence: I am more passionate than ever about the opportunities we have to use ever changing methods to present the never changing message of the Gospel.  That's good.... Lance Witt said a coupl...

speak courage into people

NOTE: I will post the notes from other speakers from conference later this week. Francis Chan is one of my favorite speakers in all the world.  Yesterday was the 2nd time that I have heard him in person, and one of the statements that he made won't get out of my mind and is really close to my heart already.  He said something like this: Speak encouragement into people's lives but also speak courage into their lives. That is big.  A big deal as well.  For lots of years I have known that one of my callings in life is to encourage people.  There are many, many people who encourage me, yet there are few people speak and inspire courage in my life.  Courage means simply living with purpose and boldness.  The Bible is full of people who lives with courage.  Are there many people around you who live with courage?  Or are there more people who live discourages and rarely speak out or step out in courage. The way that our God is going to be seen...

Innovate Church ā€™09: Ed Stetzer

Innovate Church '09: Ed Stetzer   (Ed is author of several books and works with Lifeway Research.)   Secret Sins ZAP Spiritual Power   Sin not addressed in your life and in your church hurts. We've been taught to believe in levels of sin   Galatians 5:19-21 --- the deeds of the flesh   Our goal is to live a Gospel Centered ā€“ Repentance Filled Lives . It is easy to see the big sins in others. Compromise is Satan's desire in our lives.   If Satan can't compromise our beliefs, he will settle to compromise our character. The Gospel Centered ā€“ Repentance Filled Life is a CROSS centered life, die daily.   Respond to the world through repentance not thinking better thoughts but thinking Biblically.   4 Principles   1.          Secret sins are only that way for a season. Numbers 12:4 --- God calls them out. Numbers 32 --- if you do not repent, sin will catch up with you. If you won't come to repentanc...

Innovate Church ā€™09: Francis Chan

Innovate Church '09: Francis Chan   (Francis is author of the awesome book Crazy Love is pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, CA)   2 Timothy 4:1-8 --- in the last days people will gather teachers who say what they want to hear. Acts 4:13 --- the disciples were uneducated and bold men BUT NOW people seem to be educated and scared. Are you astonished by the lack of courage around you? The Bible is full of stories of people who had courage ā€¦   COURAGE   Often as we learn more our courage and boldness decreases AND we have increasing insecurity, especially looking at my flesh. NO FEAR! Ought to be our word. The world ought to see us as full of courage and power.   Start with the word of God and live from it.   Don't try to use the Bible to make your life fit or ok. Take the Bible at its word, not the system you have been taught.   Don't miss the obvious. What...

stuff that inspired me yesterday

I'm at the Innovate Church Conference in Lynchburg, VA this week.  So, I want to share some notes from yesterday as today's devotion.  Also got a few other items that mean much to me (maybe not to you).  Hope you are blessed by some of the take away. People I've rubbed elbows with that have blessed me : Danny Broyles, one of the 1st youth pastor's I hired at Higgston Baptist Church in the mid 1990's. Great dude now serving in Lexington, SC. Matt Fry , pastor of C3 Church near Raleigh, NC (lots of passion and a great dude). Billy Hornsby , president of Association of Related Churche s whose sole mission is to plant churches (this dude walks with Jesus) Greg Surratt , pastor of the one and only Seacoast Church (I've admired him for a long time and have been with him 2 times this month) And many more but those mean much to me along with several church planters who have encouraged me the last few years. Eric Geiger  NOTES  (Er...