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Showing posts from December, 2012

DANIEL FAST (getting ready to start)

You are invited to join our church family on the DANIEL FAST beginning the first of 2013. This is an incredible way to focus on God and to seek Him personally and as a church. Watch the church blog Daniel Fast page for more information at  Check back frequently as the page will be updated throughout the Daniel Fast. This will be a 3 day or 21 day fast, your choice. If you need more information, let us know by email at or call us at 276-647-8231. There is lots of great information at the Daniel Fast website: .  Check it out for recipes, FAQs and forums. On Wednesday, January 2, Cindy DeOms will be at church from 5:30 to 7pm and will share more about what she eats and recipes that work with the fast.  Here are some tips from Cindy to get help you get started. The primary thing is to not let yourself get too ...

it's all new

Isaiah 48:16 ā€Ø NLT Come closer, and listen to this. From the beginning I have told you plainly what would happen.ā€ And now the Sovereign LORD and his Spirit have sent me with this message. Just one day from now we will be in a new year.  It will be 2013, and the key word there is NEW.  It is a new beginning or a fresh start with new opportunities and challenges.  How we see our past and how we look to the future will either make this new year great or a huge burden. Praise God that He has told us what we need.  Weā€™ve heard the truth and can accept the fact that God changes us based not on our merit or what we have.  He has changed us based on the past work and completed action of Jesus.  He has forgiven us.  He has made us new. Colossians 3:11 ā€Ø NLT In this new life, it doesnā€™t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and...

DANIEL FAST January 2013

It is almost 2013.  Please note on our church blog (  and the tab marked DANIEL FAST 2013.  There will be more info posted here and to the church blog page to help with being part of our Daniel Fast. You are invited to join our church family on the DANIEL FAST beginning the first of 2013.  This is an incredible way to focus on God and to seek Him personally and as a church.  Return to this page often for information about the Daniel Fast.  You are asked to do a 3 day or 21 day fast.  If you need more information, let us know by email at or call us at 276-647-8231.  Join in... Here are some notes from Cindy DeOms who is one of our key leaders and who is helping with the Daniel Fast.... Here's the link to the Daniel Fast website: There is lots of great information and forums to answer questions. The primary thing is t...

the audience

Colossians 3:23-24 ā€Ø NASB Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. The band took their place on the stage for what should have been a normal concert.  They had prepared, and their sound was really good earlier in the day.  Every person in every section was excited about sharing their talent and their music with the audience who would be attending the concert that night. Warming up was normal, but the room felt a bit odd.  Few people had come in the auditorium at this point.  It was getting close to performance time.  You could feel the tension building among the members of the band.  Where was the audience?  Where were their families and friends and those who always said they loved the music?  Again only a few people showed up for the concert. The music was top not...

new possibilities ahead

For sometime I have been thinking about the possibilities of 2013.  With all that has gone on in 2012, it is evident that God is working in us and through us to do much in the upcoming year.  I believe that with all my heart. Heading in that direction I would like to share a couple thoughts that God wonā€™t let leave my mind and my heart.  Yet I also want to give you the premise or the foundation that I speak from.  I believe that God is in charge of all possibilities and that He still does miracles.  Further, God cares far more about people than he does things.  Last, God is more interested in our heart than in our ability. With that said here are two things that God has in front of me for 2013: 2 Corinthians 10:5 ā€Ø NLT We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. As I have preparing for our church family to go through the Daniel ...