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Showing posts from May, 2015

it's a great time to give!

Summer has begun.  We are excited about the things that happen around The Community Fellowship this time of the year.  That includes  back2school  and so much more.  As you go about vacation and family times don't forget to continue being faithful to your church.  We are each each Sunday and will miss you when you are gone.  You can continue to give at church, through the mail (PO Box 388, Collinsville, VA 24078) or online at  THIS LINK .  Thank you for your faithfulness! Sunday some thing awesome happened that you need to be part of.  One of our church family gave a $5,000 gift to our Vision Fund which is used for the new campus.  That gift was given with the understanding that it is a dollar for dollar matching gift.  In other words any money given this week is automatically doubled.  If you give $100, it becomes $200.  If you give $1,000, it is matched to $2,000.  Will you help us meet this challenge?  This summer we need $50,000 to come in so that we will have material for our ...

baby shower for Kristie and Matt Perdue

Hey Community family and friends, You are invited to a baby shower to help Kristie and Matt Perdue prepare for the arrival of Elijah Matthew.  He will be here this summer! Join in the fun this Saturday from 1pm till 3pm at The Community Fellowship and come celebrate.  Kristie and Matt have been part of our church family for some time.  We are excited for them and the growth of there family! Pass the word and even bring some one with you for this baby shower.  This is one more way that we demonstrate the love of God to our community .  See you soon! With GOD as my guide, Pastor Michael -- James 1:5 [ to learn more about The Community Fellowship or Dream Center give us a call at 276-647-8231 or email us  by clicking here . Please give online  by clicking this link  ]

be a person of peace

People often wonder how to honor God or how to do what pleases Him.   I suggest that way too often the people asking that question arenā€™t willing to accept the answer that God gives them. Right in front of us are the answers we are asking for.   God gave us the Bible with direction, inspiration and His words.   They are intended to bring light in to the dark world we live in as well as to answer the questions we are asking.   It is at times like this that we need to be reminded to stop and read, then respond and act. Philippians 2:2   NLT Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. We honor God by working well with others.   He didnā€™t save us or leave us here to do our own thing.   Peace comes when we hear from God and respond with other people according to His purpose. Philippians 4:19   NLT And this same God who takes care of me w...

follow me as I follow Christ

Philippians 3:17-21   NLT Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. 18  For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. 19  They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. 20  But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21  He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control. I am continuing on a journey to think about and investigate leadership.   The point is to refine my own goals and ways so that I can be a better leader for the cause that God has put in front of me.   There a...

good leadership

2 Timothy 2:25   NASB with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, I am taking some time this week to center on, learn about and sharpen my skills as a leader.   Last night I shared the following article the leadership team of our church, and I believe each of us would be encouraged by itā€¦ 10 characteristics of good leadership 1.   Recognizes the value in other people, so continually invests in others ā€“ Good leaders see a large part of their role as developing other leaders. Leadership development takes place in an organization as good leaders begin to share their experiences, good and bad, with others. 2.   Shares information with those in the organization ā€“ There is a tendency of some leaders to hold information, because information is power, but a good leader knows that the more information the team has that collectively the team is better, which dir...

great leadership thoughts

Our world is in need of great leaders.   I am not talking about leaders of nations but of homes, businesses, communities, ball teams, civic clubs, churches and more.   You most likely get where I am going with that. Psalm 112:9   NLT They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor. Great leaders have built in to them high character and passion, but great leaders are also led and built by other great leaders.   That is why I am taking some time today to give you some statements to think about. Many of these would be classified as ā€œwords to live byā€ or ā€œleadership wisdomā€, but whatever you call them, we need men and women who make a choice to lead well.   As you read through these quotes and thoughts, I pray God helps you ingest them and that they ignite a fire for you to serve and lead others. Read onā€¦ lead on: ā€œThe key to successful leadership is in...

memorial day

Memorial Day is the epitome of risk.   Men and women since the beginning of our country have given their lives to purchase our freedom as individuals within the United States of America.   This Memorial Day is not about veterans who are still alive, although I am grateful for each of them, but this day is to remember who lost their lives fighting in our place. This is a great nation even in the midst of struggle, economic strain and rampant decay, physical and spiritual.   People continue to see God do miracle in and around their lives their, and I believe and challenge us today to take risks, to live by faith and to trust God along the journey. Our churchā€™s 2015 theme of LIMITLESS.   Our God is limitless, and His intentions, kindness and plan for each of us really is LIMITLESS. Yet Life is full of limits or limitations.   In fact around us there are people who have tried to help us stay in one place.   They do that the way they think is bes...

it's graduation day for our Rebecca

Psalm 127:3,5   NLT Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from himā€¦ How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!   He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates. Today is not a normal day at all.   Well, the last few weeks I have shared more personal stuff in these devotions, more than normal.   The same is true today, and I am thankful that you keep reading (some of you do). She turned 18 years old only a few weeks ago, but this is the day that Rebecca will graduate from High School.   We have looked forward to this day for this year and for so much longer than just the last 12 months or so.   I do not intend to give you a run down, a play by play or a historical account of Rebeccaā€™s life in this post. What I intend to do is talk about the emotions that I feel and how God prepares each of us for times like this.   Again, these are personal, often filled with opinion, yet I pray tha...

live with courage

I am up for a challenge.   The words courage and adventure come to mind quite often and remind me that if we arenā€™t challenged and challenging others that we are stepping backwards.   Forward is the way of courage.   Yes, that statement rings of another that suggests that going backwards is for cowards.   There is so much of life to live and experience.   After this life is another that Jesus has gone to prepare for us.   Many have said that this life is really a dress rehearsal for the next.   That is another reason to make worship a way of life and to live with courage. Philippians 3:13   NASB Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do : forget ting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, Learn from the past and live for the future.   Our glory days of the past were awesome, but they will never return.   What is ahead of is opportunity to serve, to share an...

volunteer of the week JERRY BYRD

This weekā€™s volunteer of the week at The Community Fellowship is JERRY BYRD !!!   Jerry Byrd and his wife Heather have been attending The Community Fellowship since January and they have recently become members of the church.   During the week Jerry is teaches HVAC and industrial maintenance at Bassett High School where he strives to give his students a positive male influence and has been doing so for 13 years.  One of Jerryā€™s passions is helping others, and since one of their sons has special needs it was only natural from Jerryā€™s heart to help start soccer and t-ball leagues for children with special needs.  Both leagues are doing well and making a great difference in our community.   Jerry spiritual gifts and talents lead him to help those around him that he sees in need.  Jerry and Heather also show hospitality by generously hosting Bible studies in his home on man...