I share today a devotion from September of 2018. This subject continues to be talked about a good deal and needs to be talked about even more. I have modified the post a little. Mental Health is a hot button, and the church should not be silent. Here is what I shared: Today’s devotion is one that has been heavy on my heart, and it is longer than normal. Please take some time to read and to interact with this reality. Psalm 34:18 NLT The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed . We have moments where need to take the opportunity to stop and think. I did not say slow down and think. I said stop and think. Many things run through my mind on a daily basis. Some of them don’t stick, but some situations stick and won’t leave. In in a sermon in 2018 I tackled the difficult subject of Mental Health and how the church deals with it. ...