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Showing posts from August, 2006

1 Year Later & God's Help :: Wednesday E-Devotion

"We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them." 1 John 4:16 (NLT) It cannot be explained. It is hard to understand or to comprehend how big it got. To think about how many lives were touched, how much was lost and wrecked our nation was is almost too much to handle. It truly is surreal. I am talking about Hurricane Katrina. Do you remember where you were when it hit? Have you watched, like I have, hours of news footage, read countless accounts and stories, prayed for help and mercy and much more. Every American felt the pain of loss. Every Christian and compassionate person saw the endless need and reached out to help. Yesterday marked the one year anniversary since the storm took our nation and it's gulf coast by surprise. It was not the biggest to ever hit, and it is not the last. Yet we ought to remember a few things about this storm. The faith we heard about. The ...

Intimacy with GOD :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Our small group Bible Study is going through Beth Moore's new study called "The Beloved Disciple's about the life and ministry of the Apostle John. In this week's lessons we talked much about intimacy with our Father. We need to hear and experience this. So, this morning I rise to my devotion and here is the sweetness of God, another word from His about intimacy. Therefore I must share it with you and ask the Lord to sweeten your relationship with Him, and mine with Him, today. Thank you for allowing me to share my spiritual journey with you. I do ask that you share your spiritual journey with others. August 29 -- SUBLIME INTIMACY "Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?" (John 11:40). Every time you venture out in the life of faith, you will find something in your common-sense circumstances that flatly contradicts your faith. Common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense; they stand in the re...

Worth It All :: Monday E-Devotion

"And so we keep on praying for you, that our God will make you worthy of the life to which he called you. And we pray that God, by his power, will fulfill all your good intentions and faithful deeds." 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NLT) Jesus paid the highest price. He died for us. Through His death and suffering and now His life we are forgiven, accepted by God and given the responsibility and ability to live for God. Are we worthy of Jesus' death? Without Him we are nothing. Without Him we are lost. Yet God said we are worth Jesus' death. Is living for Him worth it all? The Christian life is not easy. In fact sometimes, it is tougher than we ever imagined. So, is it worth living for Him? Yes it is worth it all. Why? Jesus gave His life. Why can't we? Yes it is worth it all. Why? People need to know Jesus. Why can't we influence them? Yes it is worth it all. Why? Because God has called us to serve Him by serving and encouraging others. Worth it all....

I'm Listening :: Friday E-Devotion

How many times do we say the words but it is not true? "I'm listening." You can say that to your spouse, to your boss, to a friend or even to God. Some of the time, you may truly be listening, but there are times when it couldn't be further from the truth. We have two ears and one mouth. We should listen twice as much as we talk. Heard that before? Hold your tongue and open your ears. Or, close your mouth and open your ears. Heard that before? If we are all honest, we would admit that we have been there and been caught. Even God has tried to get our attention and speak to us when all the time we have missed what He has tried to say or how He wants to guide or bless us. The fact is: we need to listen. Proverbs has for many years been daily food for me, and today is no different. In its chapter we are often reminded to hear wise counsel and to seek out the wisdom of godly people and of God. To miss that is to stop listening. "Like apples of gold in settings of silv...

God has a plan :: Thursday E-Devotion

WOW. This is hot. In other words, this encouraged me in a big way. I am going to share with you some words from gifted author and teacher Beth Moore from a devotion posted at the Life Outreach website. Our small group Bible study is going through her book "The Beloved Disciple" and continue to be blessed as we learn. I will give you some of my thoughts are what is copied below: "How differently would we live life if we believe that God is thinking about us? Can you imagine Him sitting there all night watching and waiting for us to wake up? He's thinking, "Don't hit that snooze button again. I am ready to talk." What kind of God is that, who thinks of us that significantly? "However, He is not the only one with an intentional plan for your life. God's purpose is to show His glory through your life, to give you hope and a future. He plans to prosper you in the things that really matter; things like satisfaction, fulfillment, fruit bearin...

First Day of School :: Wednesday E-Devotion

They walked in again. Last evening we asked our girls, "do you want us to walk you to your classroom tomorrow morning?" They answered, "no, we are fine." What did that say to us as parents? They are growing up so fast. The first day of school is just another day in their lives. No big deal and all will be fine. What a great time to watch them, encourage them and to help them to do well. As a parent, it is an honor to raise the little ones that God has entrusted to us. It is a blessing to learn what God goes through as He watches us and deals with us. Look at the Bible and see that our Father's love is real, His help is close, His words are right and His presence is what is needed. After taking the kids to school, I sat in the truck and listened to the radio as Todd Agnew's song "My Jesus" was played (I love that song). Here are the words from the song that rung in my heart today: Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church The blood and di...

The Pastorā€™s Wife

I just found a blog post by Pastor Marty Duren that I have to say a hearty AMEN to. It is such a blessing to have Julie by my side in ministry and in my life as wife, mother to my children, friend, and so much more. Please pray for my JULIE and let her know how she encoruages you. I love and appreciate her! Here is the note: The Pastorā€™s Wife The unfortunate story of Mary Winkler, accused wife of a murdered pastor in Tennessee , has brought to the surface many issues related to being a pastorā€™s wife. The supposed theory in her case is that her husband fell pray to one of those ā€œmillions of dollars are waiting for you after the death of my husband, Mr. Kokomoā€ internet scams. The pressure of the financial improprieties that followed (as well as alleged abuse) are said to have pushed her over the edge to the point that she shot and killed him one afternoon before church, then took the kids and went on vacation. Having been a pastor of some description since 1989, my wife has been in ...

A Place for Worrying :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Almost 13 years ago, God gave me the verses that I am about to share with you. They have continued through the years to remind me of who is control. That is God. These verses have come out of my mouth in counseling sessions, when there were tears flowing and even when anger was present. You know what? At every time they were true. What am I saying. Let God have it all. He is big enough. He is able. He holds our lives. He is. Read on and remember that Gods plan for you and for me is awesome. We must not miss it. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension , will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB) Here are some other translations of those verses: Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experi...

New Glasses :: Monday E-Devotion

Can't see the forest for the trees. You have to get perspective. Seeing well is a big deal. Last week our oldest daughter had the honor of getting her first glasses. She is so excited about them, and see looks great with them on. Those simple lenses ought to help her to read better, interact better and other stuff. Some time we have a trouble seeing. As I began my day, the following chapter spoke volumes to my heart. Read carefully. Psalm 57 (from the New Living Translation) Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until this violent storm is past. I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me. He will send help from heaven to save me, rescuing me from those who are out to get me. My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness. I am surrounded by fierce lions who greedily devour human preyā€” whose teeth pierce like spears and arrows, and whose tongues cut like swords. Be exalt...

The American Dream :: Friday E-Devotion

The perfect house behind the picket fence. 1.5 kids and the right spouse. Greatest job and enough money not to worry. And so much more. The American dream is so many things to so many people. For the person who travels to America from a country where there is no freedom. The dream is freedom. For the person who arrives in America poor and homeless. The dream is opportunity and success. For graduate, the young adult, the dreamer and others, the dream is success based on what they think. The American dream is so many things to so many people. For American Christians, what is the American dream? Don't get your Sunday School answers out for me. Just get honest. What is your dream? Have we allowed the priorities set by materialistic society depicts our dreams and destroy our ability to see what God wants? Listen, God is in to dreams. He even gives them. But what He desires is people, people just like you and me, to look his direction, listen to His voice and let Him fill our heads and o...

Disappointed. :: Thursday E-Devotion

Been there. Done that. Far too many times. Pain. Heart ache. Questions. Focus. You have been there as well. Yet along the way there are some things that make sense, and a place we have to put our focus. I don't always understand the path we have to walk or the things we go through, yet through the fog or clouds there is gigantic hope because God has not left His children. There is still that voice deep in my heart and the compassion He has for us and for others that ought to take our pain and exchange it for something better. "Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness...Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield." Psalms 33:18,20 (NASB) This chorus by Darrell Evans rang in my head this morning as my mind began to open up ... "I'm trading my sorrow. I'm trading my shame. I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord.I'm trading my sickness. I'm trading my pain. I'm ...

Let God Work :: Wednesday E-Devotion

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalms 20:7 (NIV) Last week I spent a good deal of time looking at the life of David and Jonathan as I shared a message with our church about their friendship. I am always challenged by David's life and his choices, yet this time I was reminded of one specific event in David's life. In 1 Samuel 24 you can read the story of a time when Saul was pursuing David to kill him. David had an opportunity to do kill Saul when he was in a cave and Saul happened to make his way into the same cave to relieve himself. David's men said to kill Saul, but David couldn't do that or wouldn't. In fact we learn that David was bothered because he cut of piece of Saul's clothes to show he could have killed him. Why did David leave Saul alone? I believe it is because David knew that God was at work. He was the one that anointed Saul king and then anointed and called David. God ...

Don't take a Detour :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Ever watched someone who is on the right road get lost or all turned around? Yes, we all have seen that happen, and it may have even happened to us. The Christian life is something that can easily get confusing and we can be misguided when we miss a turn or stop listening to God. It may be a sin we listen to, compromise we talk, someone or something that leads us astray or any of hundreds of different happenings. What is true is that we must keep ourselves in the path God has for us. That particular person may have chosen to get off the path or may have been led astray. Yet it is our personal responsibility to seek the Lord no matter what. It is also our responsibility to encourage other Christians to see and know the Lord. Paul was a giant in the faith. His life was radically changed. Much of the New Testament in our Bible is accounted to his being the author. His words are inspired by the Lord. Hear with me what he says to people who have chosen to get off God's road for...

You Are Worthy! :: Monday E-Devotion

"He comes after me, but he is not in second place to me. I'm not even worthy to hold his coat for him." John 1:27 (MSG) That was a quote from the guy we call John the Baptist, and he was talking about Jesus. His real belief was that he is not worthy to hold Jesus' coat or to baptize Him or anything. Have you ever been there? Humility is an awesome and needed gift. We must see ourselves as empty without God and with nothing good in us without Him. 1 Peter 5 tells us to choose humility, and God will honor us. Philippians 2 relates how we are to be humble like Jesus was. I am not turning the words around or changing the story with this devotion. What I am saying is this: Jesus makes you worthy! A lady sat in my office last week and said she was trying to get things, her life, back together so she could be closer to God. I reminded her that the first step to getting things together was giving it all to God. I remember talking to a young man who couldn't get r...

Why? (passing on a blog from Gary Lamb)

I am passing along a blog that lit my fire tonight. It is from Gary Lamb , pastor of Ridge Stone Church in Canton, GA. Gary is a church planter and the founding pastor of the church, and he knocks my socks off with his insight and passion! Read on: Friday, August 11, 2006 Why? Got an email asking me why do I love pastoring so much? It was from an area pastor who I don't know and he had stumbled across my blog. He shared with me why he hated pastoring and he thanked me for my monthly article in Around Canton magazine about praying for your pastor. My heart breaks for pastors like this. I am sure when they felt God calling them to full time ministry there was a time when they had a huge vision, were ready to set the world on fire for God, and would have charged hell with a water gun. However something happened along the way and now they are just holding on collecting a paycheck because reality is they probably can't do anything else and make a living. In most cases like this thei...

Sacrifice Precedes Success :: Friday E-Devotion

Last Sunday I used a phrase in my sermon that I found while studying the life of Noah. It is this: "sacrifice always precedes success." I was talking with one of our church members this morning who repeated the phrase to me, and that got the ball rolling. Who do you know that has proven that phrase? Who hasn't? All successful people know that dedication, hard work, determination, counting the cost and so much more goes into the sacrifice that leads to success. Jesus found that to be true. In fact, He wrote the book on that one. He knew that it took His death to make us complete and that it takes high sacrifice to live the different kind of life that the Spirit leads us to know and live. Think about it. What is sacrifice? I point you to two verses for some better understanding. "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not b...

Dealing with SELF :: Friday E-Devotion

How about taking a little walk with me down Theology lane to see what God thinks of self. The best new thought on this issue comes from a rather strange teacher, the singing group of MercyMe. Here are the lyrics from their new song "So Long Self". "Well if I come across a little bit distant It's just because I am. Things just seem to feel a little bit different You understand. Believe it or not but life is not apparently About me anyways But I have met the One who really is worthy So let me say Chorus: "So long self Well it's been fun, but I have found somebody else. So long self There's just no room for two. So you are gonna have to move. So long self Don't take this wrong but you are wrong for me farewell. Oh well, Goodbye, don't cry. So Long Self "Stop right there because I know what your thinking But no we can't be friends And even though I know your heart is breaking This has to end. And come to think of it the blame for all of this...

The Truth & Nothing But the Truth :: Thursday E-Devotion

As you arrive in court to be a witness, you are prepared to give the best statement you can about what you know, what you have experienced or what you have seen. They ask you to swear to tell "the truth and nothing but the truth." As believers it is so important that we hold to what God says is true. One of the greatest writers in the New Testament to test our truth is the Apostle John. In 1,2&3 John his words remind us to stick to what comes from the light, or from God. God wants us to know His truth and believe every word of what He says. Take a look: "I am writing to you who are Godā€™s children because your sins have been forgiven through Jesus. I am writing to you who are mature in the faith because you know Christ, who existed from the beginning. I am writing to you who are young in the faith because you have won your battle with the evil one. I have written to you who are Godā€™s children because you know the Father. I have written to you who are mature in the f...

1st Church Growth :: Wednesday E-Devotion

Why is it that the disciples were so successful in getting the word out after Jesus left earth? You have had this thought before. Make your way through the pages of the history books called Acts in your Bible. The church grew and grew. There was no stopping it. There are some big things that made them powerful. "They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved." Acts 2:46-47 (MSG) Those verses are not a guide book for Christian living, yet they are a testimony of why the church, the first church, was successful. How about a little reflection on there action and commitment? 1 - spiritual disciplines began early That means that they devoted themselves to what Jesus said and spent time with it. They thought about it, talked about it and lived with it. Church didn...

Sharing HIS Truth ////// making that choice

Thanks for reading my blog ... it is an awesome opportunity to lift our Savior and to hear how He uses His people, you and me, to encourage others along the path. Just remember that you are a walking, talking, living picture of something. Is it self or Jesus? 1 Peter 5:6 " So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor ."

Pain in the Offering? :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Last week I had once of those balloons go off in my head. What I mean is when some thing just clicks and hits home and gets your attention. It reminds me of a cartoon when the person had a balloon thought over them. It came about through singing the worship song "Blessed Be Your Name" and the verse that caught me was this: "Blessed be your name, When the sun's shining down on me. When the world's all as it should be. Blessed be your name. Blessed be your name. On the road marked with suffering. Though there's pain in the offering. Blessed be your name." The line that hit was "though there is pain in the offering", and it talks about worship and following Jesus being costly. Follow me. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace 'cause they would not bow to the king. God saved them. Paul, the Apostle, who killed Christians, now the biggest evangelist to hit the world. Daniel in the lion's den. Countless people through...