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Showing posts from October, 2006
I often get notes from people who encourage me. Angela Wheeler is just such a person. She is a transplant recipient and a champion for sharing faith with kids. Today, Angela sent me the following link that will give you stuff think about... 8 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor

It is all about God // Tuesday E-Devotion

"God is not just the starting point of your life; he is the source of it." - Rick Warren At the end of the rope ā€¦ No where else to turn ā€¦ many people find that those two places are very ones where they find God. Yet all along the path they have been walking or running, He has been there. Far too many people, including Christians, have God as their last resort when He is to be the very first place we go. Relationship importance is noted by the time and commitment or investment of the person. If you care about a person, you spend time with them. If you love them, you invest in their lives and in what they see is important. From time to time is may be critical to re-evaluate your relationships. What is important? What will last? What needs to be set aside? On this Halloween of 2006 there are a few people thinking God kind of thoughts, yet there are many who would rather wrap themselves in the holiday fun. I am not knocking the day and itā€™s happening but God could be wra...

no fear // Monday E-Devotion

ā€œNo wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things. For the LORD your God is the supreme God of the heavens above and the earth below.ā€ Joshua 2:11 (NLT) Youā€™ve seen the bumper stickers and heard the phrase ā€˜no fearā€™, and it draws our attention to so many different things. It may make you think about a teenager who has no respect of authority of no fear of trouble. It may throw your mind to a downhill skier who goes all out to make his run the best. It could be reminding you of a business person who has given all to start a new business and been extremely successful. It may even point you to a Christian that is living full out for God. No matter where the phrase sends you, it has to give us a question (who and what do we fear) and a challenge (fear nothing because of our God). Those is awesome and that is a fact. We need to hear and see God for who He is. ā€œBe strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The LORD your God w...

Honor Them! // Friday E-Devotion

ā€œGive to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and import duties, and give respect and honor to all to whom it is due.ā€ Romans 13:7 (NLT) Years and years ago the 1st of November was made All Saints Day, and now we have come to know the day before that as Halloween. Literally it is the day before the holy day to do bad stuff. No, I am not knocking the fun our children and we have on that day, but what I am asking you to do is make sure that you honor God with it all. October is Pastor Appreciation month. I want to say a hearty THANK YOU to The Community Fellowship for loving on me and my family. I am honored to serve such a great group of people. But have you honored your pastor and church staff? This is the last weekend of the month, your last chance. Go get a card and put something special in it. Buy them something they need. Baby-sit their kids. Buy him a suit if you can. Just do something. Far too often these people are overworked and under appreciated (I am not sp...
Please pray for John Adams as he continues to have a problem with a sore on his leg that wonā€™t stop bleeding. He is at our local hospital this evening because it has been a rough evening. ā€œā€¦pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.ā€ James 5:16 (NASB)

leading the right way // Thursday E-Devotion

ā€œWhen we are arrogant we are postured for disappointment. Humility is always treated better than she expects. We donā€™t have attitude problems we have pride problems. Humility is the only cure. It is also the most significant qualifier for spiritual leadership. We are called to no less than the very attitude of Jesus who humbled Himself and gave His life on our behalf. Submission unites us to the mission. Only those who humbly follow Christ should be trusted to lead. The pathway to integrity is the development of humility. Humility is the ethos from which integrity emerges.ā€ --- Erwin McManus (from ā€œBroken Piecesā€) Did you hear that? Humility is essential to leading. It is also essential to being a disciple. Pride says ā€œI canā€, but humility says ā€œwe canā€. True humility is a sign of integrity. And we need Christians and leaders with great integrity. McManus continued, ā€œā€¦we recognize that spiritual maturity is not about perfection, but health. While we all have struggles a...
I am reading the following post this morning, and God is speaking. Enjoy! Listen! Apply! The Friendship Dilemma by Erwin McManus

when I am weak // Wednesday E-Devotion

ā€œSince I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite content with my weaknesses and with insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.ā€ 2 Corinthians 12:10 (NLT) That is a thought we need to keep close to our lives and let run deep into our heads. It seems that our most desperate moments is where god will be seen greatest in our lives. That is profound, and that is God. Rick Warren said: ā€œInstead of hiding and denying our weaknesses, we need to learn to recognize them. We need to learn to share them. And we need to learn to glory in our weaknesses.ā€ To learn what to do when we are weak will teach how we must rely on God. It teaches us how we shares God will others. We learn that in every moment, either critical or no, God is able to calm our fears, open tough doors, fix big problems or simply hold us tight. By the way, I need that. How about you? In ministry we must learn to allow God to fill our weakness, and we must learn to allo...

take some risks // Tuesday E-Devotion

ā€œWhat if the life you really want, and the future God wants for you, is hiding right now in your biggest problem, your worst failureā€¦your greatest fear?ā€ That quote comes from a bran new book I started reading from Mark Batterson titled ā€œIn a Pit With A Lionā€. What a thought! Then I move to my daily reading from the Bible and from a devotion book, and I am reading about big risk and taking steps that lead to success. Think about your fears and how they bring risk into your life. The fact is that the things that cost us the most, give us the greatest grief and are the toughest to accomplish most of the time are the pieces of gold that we come across in life. We want life to be easy. We are looking for the ā€˜easy buttonā€™ like the commercial of recent days talks about. Microwaves, fast food, Bluetooth wireless and so much more makes our culture fast past and almost unwilling to take risks. What did Jesus risk to give us Salvation? What did Steven, one of the first deacons, risk to tell peo...

Keep on Finding Purpose // Monday E-Devotion

ā€œI cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.ā€ Psalms 57:2 (NLT) Wrong question ā€“ What is Godā€™s will for my life? Right question ā€“ What is Godā€™s will? That is not original, and you most likely have heard it before. What we have to understand is that God created each of us for His pleasure and to glorify Him. Are we doing that? Do we understand that? For several weeks now our small groups have taken another look at The Purpose Driven Life as we know that Godā€™s purpose for us is His best and purpose for His church. We have to be willing to keep on finding His purpose for us. The promise is that if we seek, we will find. His promise, not ours. His will and His purpose, not ours. Yes, God has individual desire and purpose for you and me, yet those individual things do not negate His big purpose for our lives. In fact those individual purposes fulfill and fill His big purpose for everyone of us. Think about it as you read this: ā€œHis purpose in all of th...
pray for Raceway Ministry at Martinsville Speedway this weekend...this is one of my favorite times of the year. ask the Lord to give His truth to lost people and that they will respond to Him. Michael (James 1:5)

Giving It All // Thursday E-Devotion

Leaders and Christian leaders especially ought to be the most giving people in all the world. I am not talking about money, but that is involved. In all we have and in all of Godā€™s blessings, we must know that all we have been given is in our hands so that we can serve others. Giving is one of the greatest honors in my life. It makes me feel good. Remember that old saying, ā€œgive until it hurtsā€? I believe that is a godly principle because in so doing we are showing that we trust God. Here are just a few examples of what God expects of us: ā€œFor I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints, and this, not as we had expected , but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God.ā€ 2 Corinthians 8:3-5 (NASB) ā€œBring this tithe to the place the LORD your God chooses for his name to be honored, and eat it there in his presence...

what are you focused on? // Wednesday E-Devotion

ā€œLet heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth.ā€ Colossians 3:2 (NLT) What are you looking at? You seemed to be really focused on something ā€¦ we have all been there and been caught staring or day dreaming or the like as we were engulfed in something. It moves our attention of our present situation and on to something else. That is the meat of the verse above. It says to focus your life on God. We are told to pray always, to look to Christ, to move toward Him and to allow Him to fill us to overflowing. That is real focus. What does it take to focus your attention in a certain direction? What does it take to get your mind off of something that is eating you up or hurting you? It takes change, and God wants to change our focus. Successful people are driven people. They find that their focus has to be clear. They find that their perception is not always reality which they much change their focus. Far too many people, me included, end up busy with things a...

Be Discerning // Tuesday

Read between the lines. Be discerning. Learn while you watch. Take a hard look. Listen more than you speak. All of those lines will lead us to hear from God His best and His way for our lives. Look at how God desires us to look at others and how he desires us to see and follow Him. In fact, the more we look at or think of or deal with self, the less we will follow God. Be careful to discern that and hear from the Lord. "I, Wisdom, live together with good judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment.ā€ Proverbs 8:12 (NLT) ā€œFor the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.ā€ Hebrews 4:12 (NLT) The Bible and the Holy Spirit inside of us is the best measure and method of being discerning. It is by the truth of Godā€™s word we learned that we needed Jesus, and it is by the truth of Godā€™s word that we get our direction in life. By being di...

Ministry Strategy is a BIG DEAL

I am excied about all God is doing with the new church. He keeps answering our prayers and doing amazing things. Please keep on praying. The following link is to an article that reminds me of how big this endeavor is and how much we need God. Read on and pray hard...thanks! 10 Advantages of Doing Ministry Without a Ministry Strategy MICHAEL (James 1:5)

Take Courage // Monday E-Devotion

ā€œSo be strong and take courage, all you who put your hope in the LORD!ā€ Psalms 31:24 (NLT) It is not arrogance. It has nothing to do with pride. It has everything to do with knowing God. The world may say that courage is something that comes from personal fortitude, but I believe courage comes from knowing and believing and following God. A person who has and uses courage is a person who can be and must be a great leader. Jesus had courage. Would you agree? His courage came from the fact that He was God, but what demonstrated His greatest courage was the fact that He never disconnected from where real courage comes from. It comes from God. ā€œSo God has given us both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can take new courage, for we can hold on to his promise with confidence.ā€ Hebrews 6:18 (NLT) Here are some thoughts for people who desire to have and demonstrate what...

Protecting Your Wife

This post from pastor and church planter Gary Lamb hit where I needed it to. I love Julie very much and try to see that she is not left out of my church, in emotions, when thinking and more. This is worth reading and sharing! Protecting Your Wife

Be the Best // Friday E-Devotion

ā€œAnd whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.ā€ Colossians 3:17 (NLT) ā€œThe LORD your God will delight in you if you obey his voice and keep the commands and laws written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.ā€ Deuteronomy 30:10 (NLT) Ever met a Christian that did things half way? I mean this is the person that just got by in school or at work. In fact, their attitude and performance were and are a mark against their character and against God. Christians ought to be the best. We ought to show up early and stay late. We ought to give our all and then some more and not ask for extras. To be the best does not mean we become people of pride or arrogance. This means we desire for people to see God therefore give our all so others will see God, not us. The word competence may be a synonym for best because it relates to who we are in the work w...

Can You Hear Me Now? // Thursday E-Devotion

That is the culture phrase everyone is using ā€¦ ā€œcan you hear me know?ā€ One of the things we learn from such a statement is that if you hit on the right thing, it will grow like a wild fire. What that cute little byline says is this: communication is vital. ā€œBut if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all our sin.ā€ 1 John 1:7 (MSG) ā€œThink of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.ā€ Hebrews 10:24 (NLT) Communication is the #1 reason for divorce, we are told. It is also the number one reason for problems when we pass or get through our spiritual connections with God. We must work on our communication skills to have all healthy relationships. Think about it. It is your choice and mine to see that people can hear us. I am not talking about being selfish or getting you way. I am talking about sharing life together and communicating well...

High Level Commitment // Wednesday E-Devotion

ā€œCommitment separates the doers from the dreamers,ā€ John Maxwell says. Commitment is a word that scares many people off from my generation. We would rather live without strings and do our own thing. Generations before us knew well what high level commitment was all about. I am thankful for some great people around me who have a high level of commitment to the Lord and to the ministry God called them to. What a testimony! What a call to those who join us! ā€œSo let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred visionā€” you'll see it yet!ā€ Philippians 3:15 (MSG) Think about Gods commitment to us. He went the extra mile to save us, through Jesus on the Cross. He has promised unending blessing, marked by our obedience to Him. He holds us tight and prepares our place with Him, beyond flesh and earth. That is real commitment. No matter what I do or ...

First Impressions // Tuesday E-Devotion

ā€œIn the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.ā€ Matthew 5:16 (NLT) What will they think of your mother? I heard that question for years about what people first thought of me or one of my brothers. A better and the best question might be: what will they think of my God? ā€œI am overcome with joy because of your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul.ā€ Psalms 31:7 (NLT) Donā€™t let anyone steal you joy or rob you of excitement. Fact is, we are the master of our outlook ā€¦ we are the only ones who can change our attitude. When you encounter tough people, where does your mind and your outlook go? First impressions are a big deal because that is the first chance we have to influence someone for Jesus. As we share this morning, I want to give you a few more thoughts from John Maxwell on how to make great first impressions by being a person who has Charisma: Love life Put ...

The Whole Elephant // Monday E-Devotion

Ever heard this? QUESTION: how do you eat an elephant? ANSWER: one bite at a time. I feel at times that there is just too much to do and too much in front of me, yet I am grateful for the great people who have partnered with Jesus and with me. As I move through the next month, I am using a helpful tool my dad gave me. It is a book by John Maxwell , leadership guru, called The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, and I hope to give you some thoughts I am gleaning from God and from this book. Todayā€™s reading is on CHARACTERā€¦Maxwell writes, ā€œCharacter is more than talkā€¦Talent is a gift, but character is a choiceā€¦Character brings lasting successful with peopleā€¦Leaders cannot rise above the limitations of their characterā€¦ā€ Those are just the highlights and give me and you much to think about and set our eyes on. God gives us some insight about our Character, and I close with these verses: ā€œFinally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure...

back home & praising GOD

What a week it was in Richmond at the Church Planting school. I want to say a huge THANK YOU to my folks for keeping our three kids and making sure that our home was in order. That was a blessing to my wife and I as we saw God and heard from God this week. E-Devotions will begin again on Monday. Please pray for The Community Fellowship's activities this weekend: Small Group meetings (Sunday from 10 until noon) and Community Worship (Sunday 6 pm at the former Bassett Middle School). Check out our church website for more details! Remember what God has called us to do ... Psalms 150:6 ... let everything that breathes, praise GOD!

out of town BUT hearing from God

Hey Friends ... I am in Richmond, Virginia at BASIC TRAINING for Church Planters. To learn more about where we are and WHY I AM NOT posting e-devotions this week see our church website . Thanks for your pateince. Pray for my parents as they are caring for our precious kids. Be blessed! Michael (James 1:5)

think. THINK. I need God // Monday E-Devotion

So much to do. So little time. So many great things happenings and so many people to do them, see them and just to be with. You have to know that I am excited about all God is doing in His world. That includes the piece I live in. You have been praying, I am sure, for the changes that have taken place with our family and ministry. In the last few days, God has continued to give answers to prayer, insight to our needs and words to share with others. This week a small group from our church are going to be training the art and skills of church planting. Please pray for the six of us (also, know that this is your only e-devotion for the week because of that) who are excited about the future and want to do our best to see a congregation be all God would have it to be. I need God. I donā€™t need my own personal opinion or the opinion of the best theologian or preacher or missionary. I need God. That is why each day I am asking the Lord to fill my mind and heart with Him. Think about...