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Showing posts from March, 2007

adventure awaits // Thursday E-Devotion

Push me. Drive me. Give me something to live for. That is what lots of church people expect from their leaders. Yet God has not called your church or mine to to meet all the needs and not even to feed you spiritual. God calls us to help people learn to eat spiritually, to love God and to chase after Him. I continue to be greatly challenged by Mark Batterson of National Community Church in DC. His book In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day is top notch as shouting vision and giving clarity to people looking to God and who desire to be part of a purpose driven adventure that only God could put together. Here is what Mark wrote on his blog in an article titled Manifesto : Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention. Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God. Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution. Stop r...

cocky & arrogant // Wednesday E-Devotion

Ever have anyone say you are arrogant and cocky? Some people are like that, but some people are just confident. I find in the world of ministry and church that people don't like it when someone seems bold and confident. Know what I think? Thanks for asking. It is my desire to know where I am going, know why I am going and how I want to get there. In fact, I believe God has given us the ability AND the calling to do just that. Perry Noble related this fact at the conference I attended recently, and it struck a cord in my head and heart. It is time that Christian leaders to get what God says and lead people in a bold and fresh way. What do you think? Proverbs 28:1 (nlt) --- The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. You may be called arrogant. You may even have people get mad and leave you alone. The truth of the matter is God has not called everyone to walk with you every day. In the church God has called us to focus on certa...

definitions // Tuesday E-Devotion

M.S.R.P. --- Maufacturers Suggested Retail Price (what we none pay) M.P.H. --- Months Per House cleaning W.W.J.D. --- What Would Judy Do? (thats what my mom told me it was) G.R.A.C.E. --- God's Riches At Christ's Expense B.S. --- Bachelor of Science (I am sure that is what you where thinking) F.G.S.L.T.W.T.H.G.H.O.S. --- For God So Loved the World that He Gave His Only Son F.R.O.G. --- Fully Rely On God The problem is this: without the proper definitions and understanding you may get lost in the conversation. Telling people about Jesus or trying to get them to come to church is just such a problem. Some people miss what we mean because we use church words. One of our key thoughts at The Community Fellowship is that we need to get the attention of our community. To do that we have to speak their language. We have to see that they understand. By working in Honduras years ago I learned this principle first hand. I know very little Spanish, enough to get me in trouble. By us...

stoned and rolling // Monday E-Devotion

Proverbs 26:27 (nasb) --- He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him. Maybe I am off or a little strange, but I have a word today that might hit all of us where we need it. In reading Proverbs this morning, as I try to do every day, I came across this verse that I have seen and quoted like a million times. But it was different this time. I began to think about the positive side of the verse rather than the negative. We need to do that more often. It might help us better understand walking with Jesus. It may even help in other areas too (like with our spouses and bosses). Here are my thoughts: How did we dig pits where people fall into Jesus? How do we roll a stone, like a huge and creative idea that wins people to Jesus, so I will be consumed by it? The answers are simple. What I roll with will roll me. What I dig into will dig into me. What is certian that this stoned and rolling issue asks us what are we doing with Jesus? Colossian...

working together // Friday E-Devotion

Luke 19:10 (New Living Translation) --- For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. How far are we willing to go? What are we willing to give? Answer those questions as it relates to seeing people come to know God. Our answers are important, and our answers ought to shine for Jesus. One of my favorite thoughts about church and how we fit together resembles a team. Our favorite football coach (who attends the church) helped teach our last new members class along with others from the leadership team. In his time, the coach related how the church is much like that football team working together. I like that. It also makes everybody accountable to our purpose and our goal. Which is ... all about God and reaching our community for Jesus. Here is the way Mark Batterson , pastor of National Community Church in Wasington, DC, put it: Church is a Tag-Team Sport We kick off our Easter series this weekend. It's what I'd call a back to basics series. Really want ...

seeing HIM in the world // Thursday E-Devotion

It happens for me all the time. I am not talking about mixing the truth of God with what is of the world. What it is about is seeing pictures and the story of Jesus in some of the strangest of places. The Bible tells us that " the heavens declare His glory" (Psalms 19) and that His truth is evident even to those who have not met Him (Romans 1:19). Recently my wife and I went to see the movie Ghost Rider , and I was struck with a picture of the high price Jesus paid for our salvation by watcing some one else's story. It was there. I remember watching the movie Titanic and noticing the story of one who gave His life for another. The movie Facing the Giants does the same thing. Then I move into the world of music. First of all, there is a lot of junk out there. Then you come across bands like U2 and others who seem to crossover with the stories. Nickelback has some songs that have caught my attention. Here are the lyrics of "Savin' Me": Prison gat...

get real // Wednesday E-Devotion

Proverbs 21:2-3 (NLT) --- People may be right in their own eyes, but the L ord examines their heart. The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices. Don't hide anything. God knows it all. We are told that everything will be opened up and seen. God knows it already, and it time for the people of the world to see the people of the church be real. The world needs and the world wants people who are genuine. I heard a quote years ago that comes right from scripture (it was attributed to Adrian Rogers): "Whatever we uncover, God will cover, and whatever we cover, God will uncover." That is a word about sin and motives. That is a real word for the church today and her leaders. If we want success....if we want to touch the world, we don't need to try to be something we are not. It is time to be who God made us to be and nothing else. Get real and let the world see it all. Get right with God and let Him use you in big w...

opportunities // Tuesday E-Devotion

Walk through the door. Look through the window. Read that book. Listen to or take that call. Whatever that opportunity is, take it now. No telling what we miss by letting life opportunities pass us by. What do you say, do we ever miss those God-given, divinely directed opportunities offered to us? You bet we do. Missing them just takes 'doing things your own way.' Remember that is always the wrong way. Everything God did was for others. In fact the relationships that God gives us are always about other people. Yes, our tendency is to be big time selfish, but God's plan is always for us to help others. In those relationships we will always get stuff and be cared for. Opportunities need us to take some second looks. Family. Work. Spouse. The mall. E-mail. Everything. The second look may let the opportunity come again. Ephesians 5:16 (NLT) --- Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Colossians 4:5 (NLT) --- Live wisely among those who are not...

building faith // Monday E-Devotion

Colossians 2:2-3 (NLT) --- I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God's mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Who are the people that encourage you the most? For me there are three different types of people that light my fire. The first are Christians excited about their relationship with God. The second like minded servants of God (church planters, pastors and others). The third is people who have taken extra interest in or invested in my life over the years. Man, do I need their encouragement. To disconnect ourselves from people who encourage us is awful and will cause deep trouble in our lives. Alone we are in trouble. Together we find strength and are built so we can build others. Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) --- As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Paul continued in Colossians 2 with some words that ...

notes from Unleash // Friday E-Devotion

Got back late last night from the Unleash Conference at NewSpring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. It was great. In today's devotion, I just want to give you some blips from my notes and pray that you will get just a little inspiration and a little light from my vision for The Community Fellowship. Thanks for your prayers and for reading these daily thoughts. Here are those notes: "Church is a confusing place when you don't know the rules. Some say, if you don't play by our rules, to hell with you." (think about being a visitor and getting so confused by a Catholic, Presbyterian or Baptist service." "Most visitors make up their mind within 15 minutes if they are going to return." "Put people in an enviorment where they can hear about Jesus. When we are willing to offer our best, people will meet Jesus." "Creativity doesn't take money. It takes time." "Creative people in our churches are frustrated because we do...

spiritual boxes? // Wednesday E-Devotion

Tonight is the least session of our study of Spiritual Gifts. So, I thought a little re-cap was in order. Below are some memorable moments, quotable quips and verses for vision. My prayer is that we will get our lives in gear with the stuff God has geared our lives with. session # 1 We can experience a fresh move of God and sense His presence as we study these gifts and come to appreciate and even understand how God is building His church. 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT) --- God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. If you has no restricts on your life (time, money, health, etcā€¦), what would you like to accomplish for God? What spiritual gifts would help you succeed? Gift of the Spirit ā€“ Fruit of the Spirit = NOTHING, zero, empty session # 2 Ephesians 4:16 (NLT) --- He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and g...

Unleash Conference

I am headed out of town Wednesday headed to a most awesome experience. First of all THANK YOU to the supporter who has provided this opportunity to me. The Unleash Conference ( ) is Thursday at NewSpring Church ( ) in Anderson, SC where Perry Noble ( ) is the pastor. Noble planned for the event to draw several hundred people, yet the numbers are just below 900. For almost a year I have been reading his blog and other church planters and creative church leaders around the nation. You can see some of their links here on my blog. Pray for me as I travel. Pray for my family as I am gone. Pray for our church leaders and myself as we dream and hear from God. The Community Fellowship is an awesome place to serve and be part of what God is doing! Unleash is going to be off the hook. More to come....

investments // Tuesday E-Devotion

I recently met with man who is a huge success in the investment world. He attributes much of his success to God's leading and to learning the skills of sharing the process and going in the right direction. Ecclesiastes 5:14 (NLT) --- Money is put into risky investments that turn sour, and everything is lost. In the end, there is nothing left to pass on to one's children. Whether you are thinking of NASDAQ and Wall Street or your Christian life, investments are something we need to think about. What are we investing our money in? How long will it last? What will the returns be? Can I support my family or live through retirement? What am I investing my life in? Does this stuff last? Am I making a difference? Fact is, both of those sets of questions ought to lead us to seeing ourselves using what God has given us to invest in His kingdom. The people that invest the most end up with the largest dividends. The results are worth the sacrifice. Think about Jesus. How did He...

great insight // Monday E-Devotion

At church yesterday we read from four men who have had significant impact and influence on religious leaders. In today's devotion I give you a few pieces of what they said. My prayer is that God will influence us so that we will influence others for Him (plan to do that). From Saint Augustine's On Faith, Hope, and Love In this the grace of God is supremely manifest, commended in grand and visible fashion; for what had the human nature in the man Christ merited, that it, and no other, should be assumed into the unity of the Person of the only Son of God? What good will, what zealous strivings, what good works preceded this assumption by which that particular man deserved to become one Person with God? Was he a man before the union, and was this singular grace given him as to one particularly deserving before God? Of course not! For, from the moment he began to be a man, that man began to be nothing other than God's Son, the only Son, and this because the Word of God assumi...

20 ways leaders act

Below is a copy of something I was handed. It hit home for me and will for you as well. I pray God will make us great leaders. 20 ways leaders act Leaders give credit, not take it. Leaders think about tomorrow, not yesterday. Leaders use power wisely. Leaders ask, "What do you think?" Leaders say, "We" and not "I". :eaders are proactive, not reactive. Leaders set high standards. Leaders say, "What it?" not "Yes, but". Leaders do not get discouraged easily. Leaders present the right image. Leades how courage in difficult times. Leaders solve problems, and don't look to blame. Leaders say "Thank You" and "Please". Leaders are good listeners. Leaders speak positively and with clarity. Leaders posess self control. Leaders empower others. Leaders are color and gender blind. Leaders exert a sense of presence. Leaders are willing to forgive. by J.R. Camache, 5/01

flexible is godly // Friday E-Devotion

Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) --- "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law." Do you remember the days when you were being stretched? I am not talking about the old images of movies while you were in the dungeon on the that stretching machine thingy or hanging upside down. What I am referring to are the times when God was showing you through trial and error and His plan what the fruit of the Spirit looks, acts and is like. Maybe you have been on a mission team or part of planting a church and you heard, as I have millions of times, the key is being flexible. What did that mean? Take life as it comes. Role with the punches. Don't be surprised if plans change. Be ready for whatever. Follow the Spirit always. It is all true. What I am learning is that God uses the awful to produce the awesome. He ...

talk to God // Thursday E-Devotion

I often have the pleasure of encouraging people to do the right thing and to begin cool times with God. This last weekend provided one stuch incident as I talked to a young guy about praying. It was inspiring to me. Here is a devotion by singer and song writer Kathy Troccoli. ( taken from the life today website's devotion archive ) Talk To God "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." (James 4:8, NIV) I woke up in a sweat this morning. Immediately, I felt my heart filled with devastation and disbelief. I shook off my sleep, but the pain in my soul let me know that I was still living through the nightmare of last night as if it were reality: Beth Moore had died! She was in a tragic car accident. The Lord's people were grieving everywhere. It was all over the news, and many Americans were hearing about this beloved Bible teacher for the very first time. My phone was ringing off the wall, and I could hardly talk to anyone. I could not control my tears as I ...

identify your objective // Wednesday E-Devotion

"We succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in anything else, a single overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective." --- Dwight D. Eisenhower , former American President in a speech, April 2, 1957 Success is like another old saying ... 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Success from a spiritual perspective has little to do with material possessions and everything to do with obedience. Want to be successful? At home...Yes. At work...Yes. At church...Yes. And more. Here are a couple of Jesus' most eye opening thoughts about success: Luke 9:23 (NLT) --- Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. Mark 1:17 (NLT) --- Jesus called out to them, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" Pretty simple. Would you agree? Success is not somethat that happens when you win th...

the high cost of following // Tuesday E-Devotion

"Money is God's way of filtering the wannabes from the gottados . Jesus told us to count the cost of following him, but not to go bargain shopping for something else. What is not expressly stated in scripture, but is found to be true by anyone who dares to follow God's vision anyway, is that although the cost is high, he provides the resources." Quote from church planter Ben Arment on his blog The way we view life and money and responsibility speaks volumes about who we are. Be careful with your view. Be careful to not let the world or something else test your success or your interest by something that even the standards of God don't touch. I have come to understand that God always comes through. Yesterday we talked about Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel (also from my Sunday sermon). Elijah went big time out on a limb, and God showed up. An old question: what would we attempt for God if we had endless resources and knew we could not fail? Another que...

believe God can // Monday E-Devotion

Psalm 127:1-2 (NLT) --- Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the L ord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. Remember the story about the little train that could? It is a story of perseverance and straining to complete a task right in front of you. We learn to keep on - keeping on and do all we can to succeed. Another old saying puts it this way: work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God. I am not sure what you think about those two points of illustration, but I believe it is time for the church to believe God. It is time for us to let God stretch our faith and for God to show up in awesome and huge ways that will shake the world around us and prove that He is God. Those two illustrations reminded me this morning that without God, I am sunk. I am...
WOW ... surfing leads you in so many directions (surfing the internet, I mean). Our little man, Ryan, loves Spiderman. So, we are getting geared up for the coming of Spiderman 3 to hit theaters on May 4, 2006. While looking for pictures for Ryan, I came across a song from a previous movie by Christian group Switchfoot . The song is I Dare You to Move. Inspiration of the Christian and superhero kind... On a little further in my surfing I found a COOL COMPANY that specializes in Christian clothing. It is Not of this World , and I'd like to add to my shirt collection (hint, hint...size XXL...button up). Cool stuff with a message! INTRODUCING a brand new video in worship tomorrow morning (March 4 2007). It is our CORE VALUES at The Community Fellowship , uses the worship song "Let It Rise" (our theme song) and compiles lots of interesting video footage. Inspiring once again.

just the facts // Friday E-Devotion

An old TV show used the phrase "just the facts" as an investagator dealt with his job and the people he encountered. That is the same way we need to deal with faith. In our time together this week, we have talked about what faith is and how faith is strengthened. Let me close out this week by giving us some thoughts about how faith is seen. It is kind of like this: if you say you have faith but no one sees your faith, you must not have faith. Does that make sense? The book of James has lots to say about this truth. My favorite statement about faith comes not from the Bible but from a comical song of years gone by. Here are some of the lyrics: It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine Faith without works baby it just ain't happenin' One is your right hand one is your left It's your light, your guide, your life and your breath Faith without works is like a song you can't sing It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. ( Screen Doo...

invite suffering in // Thursday E-Devotion

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: "What does not kill me makes me stronger." Strengthened faith. Building lives and living. God intends to do this. His way is always making our faith strong enough to survive the battles, the heart ache and the suffering that every day life sends our way so we can thrive with Him. In this week's devotions I have talked about these issues and have given you James 1:2-4 that talks about allowing adversity to change your faith by God's grace. James 1:2-4 (The Message) --- Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. What God builds, no one can tear down. What we allow God to do, it will change us and make us be ready for ministry and more. QUOTED TEXT below...