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Showing posts from January, 2009

some praises & some to think about

This has been a full week in so many ways.  I have lots on my heart and on my mind, yet in the middle God pulled some things together that we've been asking for.  It is time to celebrate a few of them: restored a relationship with a friend that had been broken for more than 2 years, spent time with and dealt with one of my children (a good connection), hearing from the Lord about something we had been asking for at church, paying off another debt (as we continue our budget), beginning to redo the floors in our kitchen, and more.   Some of those things may been trivial, but they are big for me in a lot of ways.  Here is a thought:   Hebrews 10:23  (nlt) --- Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. I listened into a conference this week that I was not able to get to and found some nuggets of truth that really hit home with me as a husband, a father, a pastor and a follower ...

the church & the economy

Two of my favorite people in the world are Leif and Margaret Oines.  You may know her better as Margaret Feinberg , her writing name.  What an awesome couple who love Jesus and happen to love The Community as well (hope to announce soon when they will visit us again).   I've been spending a good bit of time praying for the situation here in our nation as you know from my devotion yesterday.  Margaret wrote something a couple weeks ago that I want to share portions of today (this stuff makes me see what the church's place is during this economy situation).  Read on:   How Recession Proof Is Your Church?   Few areas of our economy are recession proof these days including the church. I have friends who are taking 20 to 30 percent pay cuts and even higher. Still others have lost their paychecks completely. What can church leaders and their members do to prepare for economic challenges? 1. Recognize that God is still in control...

get real with the economy

This is not going to be about who to blame for the poor condition of our economy or even about what to do about it for yourself.  There are plenty of people like Dave Ramsey or Joe Sangl that can give you some thoughts from that perspective   My thought is more like this: just be honest!!!  This economy and the recession stinks, but it doesn't change my faith.  Friends have lost jobs.  Many if not all of us have lost some of our savings and retirement.  Tough stuff that stinks.  Nothing more to it than that.   Question: has this economy, or any recession for that matter, changed our God?  Answer: NO!   It is still our choice to serve God, to give from the blessings He has given us and to live.  Make that choice with me.   Then I hear about some more people loosing their jobs.  One of the churches that has been a great encouragement to me had to lay off several full time people and cut...

who we minister to

Are you ever amazed like I am by what happened during the time of the early church (see Acts 2 )?    They dedicated themselves to God, His truth and to each other.  They helped people no matter what it took.  That is what the church is to be about.  That is what we are learning that we are to be and are going to be about.  It is a choice leaders have to make.  Not an easy choice, but it is one that will change who we are and where we are going as well as how effective we will be.  Does that make sense?   Maybe these quotes from Matthew Barnett will help us:   "build the dreams of others then your dream will become bigger than you ever imagined" ... "you now have God's dream"   "reach the people nobody wants you'll start seeing the people everybody wants"   Our calling is not to those who do not need God.  We are called to reach those reaching out for God....

quotes I'm thinking over

Here are some quotes that really hit me.  All but one are from Matthew Barnett from the Dream Center.  Read.  Think.  Pray.  All with me....   "acknowledge Him by taking care of the unfit" Prov 3:6 --Matthew Barnett          "caring for the unfit the windows of heaven open up" --Matthew Barnett ...I PRAY this for The Community Fellowship..     "Love is the greatest source of transformation" --Matthew Barnett         "build the dreams of others then your dream will become bigger than you ever imagined" ... "you now have God's dream" --Matthew Barnett         "most successful people don't know their successful" --Matthew Barnett... that is a strong word..think about it..what does that say to you? "greatness of a civilization, is a culture that honors life at every level..from the womb to the tomb" --Matthew Barnett   ...

my comfort OR God's glory

2 Timothy 1:9  (nlt) --- For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of timeā€”to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.   When we think about our calling from God and how His grace has touched our lives, we ought to be overwhelmed in big ways.  In fact the real question is, what happens to me and through me when I am overwhelmed with His truth?   Most of the time nothing happens.  We don't change.  We continue living the same.  What does God have to say about this?   Galatians 5:13  (nlt) --- For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.   We are called to love God and love others.  We are called to serve.  So when we do not change.  We see things that tug at our h...

real love

1 John 4:9-12 (nlt) --- God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real loveā€”not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 12 No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. That is a powerful passage.  As I look closer as what God says about His love for people, I am touched by what seems to jump off the page as "real love".  Why is that?  It is because so much of what we see depicted as love just isn't.    That wrong or false love has everything to do with trying to get something in return, or trying to make yourself feel better or lots of other reasons and misses.   When God describes His love for us, it is simple....

every hope in God's love

"...our talk doesn't match our lives.  We say things like, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," and "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."  Then we live and place like we don't believe God even exists.  We try to set our lives up so everything will be fine even if God doesn't come through.  But true faith means holding nothing back.  It means putting every hope in God's fidelity to His promises."   - Francis Chan , Crazy Love page 166.   That makes a lot of sense, but it goes against the grain if we really get honest.  By the way, one of our core values is authenticity.  We are to get gut-level and brutally honest with ourselves, with God and with the world around us.  When we do, things begin to come undone, yet when God is in control, it all turns out right AND good.   I've come to learn (as I will share this coming Sunday) that living God...

who lives like this?

There are many people that I admire.  Some have long been gone.  Some are still around.  This past Sunday I shared a message about "why lives like that?" in reference to people who live full out for Jesus.  Those kind of people are hard to come by.   Here is the main verse and thought I began with ... Hebrews 11:38  (nasb) --- men of whom the world was not worthy ...   That talks about men and woman who chose to live out loud their faith and belief that God is a big God with lots to accomplish through His people, through us.  People like Gideon  and David . Heroes who lived their faith like John Huss , Bill Bright and Jim Elliot .  Even people from our day like Brooke Bronkowshi and Tim Tebow .  All of them are like us, humans with choices.  But how much of a difference can we make simply through a choice or two?  Answer: a huge difference.   If you walk through those people...

huge day in American history

I'm watching the inauguration of Barack Obama at

Joe Sangl and FLE

I'm excited that we will have Joe Sangl here at The Community Fellowship this coming April.  Perry Noble mentioned an event going on at NewSpring this week (see previous post on this blog).  My wife and I continue to be excited about and encouraged by the process of getting on and living by a budget.  Sangl has taught us alot.  You ought to check him out.  Joe is easy to deal with and would be a blessing to you.  

Is The Economy Freaking You Out?

One of my favorite people to read and listen to is Perry Noble.  Here is a blogpost from him that I thought we all could use.  Read on ... Perry Noble dot com   pastor, NewSpring Church Is The Economy Freaking You Out? By perry on Finances I am unapologetic about the fact that I teach on money at NewSpring Church . BECAUSEā€¦one of the most "out of control" areas in our lives as Americans today is the way we handle our finances. ANDā€¦because of carelessness, greed and ignoring the obvious warning signsā€¦the economy has gone through some SERIOUS turmoil. Here at NewSpring I tell people that when it comes to personal finances we really have two desires for everyoneā€¦ #1 - To Put God First In Your Finances.   Jesus doesn't just want some of usā€¦He wants all of us.  And one of the most direct things He ever said in regards to money is found in Matthew 6:21 where He covers the fact that if He doesn't have our treasure then He doesn't f...

Pray for Rob Lovell and his family

Please join me in praying for Pastor Rob Lovell from Saginaw, Michigan and for his family. Rob is in the final stages of his battle with cancer. Hospice care is to begin soon. Courtney and Rob have 4 children. We met on the Internet via Twitter (love these connections). Rob stole my heart and my brother Steve's heart as well. Rob's faith and conviction are inspiring. We've all known some folks like this. But honestly a very few people have touched me as Rob has. He is a young father and pastor that loves Jesus. Pray for Rob. Pray for Courtney. Ask God to touch this family. What an awesome testimony they have. My heart reaches out to them.

servant king

Matthew 20:28  (niv) --- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."     We celebrate here in America Martin Luther King, JR day in honor of a man who was a great servant and led many to know and live in freedom.  There is so we could say about Dr. King, but I want him to speak for us:   - A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.   - An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. - Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.   - To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.   - I have a dream that one day this nation will...

Monday Afternoon

This was a great weekend in so many, MANY ways.   Sunday morning, I shared the 7th message of our LOVE MORE...EXPECT LESS. series and asked people to say 'yes to Jesus' as we honor and follow Him.  Love the passage of Scripture from Hebrews 11 that talked about people, flawed people, who served God and have left a huge impression on our world and helped others turn toward God.  Last message in the series is next Sunday and is something God has been doing in my heart since last May.  You gotta be here!!!   Last evening we took about 30 of our people to Roanoke to serve with Metro Ministries in feeding the homeless.  This was the first of many steps we will be taking to minister to the homeless in our county.  Lots of praying and seeking God going on in this one.  I am excited about the doors that God is opening for us.  Keep listening...   I was honored to attend the National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries annual meeting...

MRO's Bill Carpenter

Some people you just click with. Bill is like that for me. He leads outreach for Motor Racing Outreach ( ) and gives loads of insight as well as rightly timed encouragement. I appreciate Bill's friendship, pray for his impact for God and want to immulate his character and love for God.

33% banking at Talladega

It almost looks like a wall and not a road. But that track is amazing. The more momentum we have the more banking helps us stay in the race. That works in our serving God in huge ways. Think about it...

Where's Ricky Bobby!

Great trip to Talladega, Alabama for the annual Raceway Ministries meeting. At the Talladega Super Speedway had some neat experience. I looked hard for Ricky Bobby, but all I found was his car. Remember "if you're not first your last". (Not sure about that quote, but I know if Jesus isn't 1st in all we are and what we do then He's in the wrong place.)

learning to lead

As I shared earlier this week leading is not for cowards.  And the greatest point I can say for any leader is never stop learning.  We never arrive.  There is a long way to go.  I am sure you agree.  Remember we are leaders at home, at work, at church and even beyond even if we don't have a title.  We lead people through influence (what we say and what we do). Years ago I was influenced by Johnny Hunt, pastor of First Baptist in Woodstock, Georgia as he talked about reading Proverbs every day.  I miss days, but I am always learning when I turn there.  Proverbs add personal truth for every day, decision thoughts and strength that comes through knowing God and integrity.  So lets go on a short trip.  Today's chapter in Proverbs...or at least the verses that talk to me about leadership today.  Read on... Proverbs 15  (nlt)   1 A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flar...

stopping for the night

We've stopped for the night on our way to the annual meeting for Raceway Ministries taking place in Talladega, Alabama.  Our hotel of choice is right next to a special place to eat (see background of picture) in honor of our friend Eugene (center in picture).  Anderson, SC is our home for the night.  More info to come.  By the way, we ate at Cracker Barrell and not at the pictured place.  I'm telling the truth.

On the Road

Going to the Raceway Ministries annual mtg, and we stopped at Cracker Barrell. One of our guys, Lee, really enjoyed dinner. He's a great, I mean sweet guy. Ha ha

connect with people

I love the people I get to connect with.  Just had a gentleman walk in my office.  Yes, he sales ads, but this dude loves Jesus and attends a church like ours in another town.  We have great conversations.  He makes me stop and think and even answer tough questions.  But Dave leaves letting me know that our church is not alone, not the only one seeing God work and that we are stronger through encouraging one another.   Matthew 11:29  (nasb) --- Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.   I love the people I get to connect with.  Sat with a friend I have known for only 6 months this morning, and he poured out his heart.  We talked about really rough things.  Discipleship is one of the things we do much to learn from God and from people who are walking with Jesus.  Then we had some "come to Jesus" moments where we sh...

Monday afternoon

It was a huge weekend for us.  God is doing lots of things that many get my motor running.  So, do you mind if I spill just a bit? Upward Basketball is awesome.  Cas McCaslin is a man with big time, God-sized vision (he began and leads Upward).  Our little boy, 5 year old Ryan, had his 2nd practice Saturday.  Man, I love watching my kids get excited about stuff like this.  My dad even commented that Ryan may be the next Michael Jordan.  I told him that he would have to get his athletic ability somewhere other than from me. The Community is now hosting exercise classes from an area organization .  Last Monday and Saturday I loved watching some of our people get involved along with lots of folks from our area.  What an awesome thing to see our building open for community events.  My prayer...Lord use us and what you have have given us to touch others for you. Most of this week I will be with friends who are part of Raceway Ministries a...

One Prayer 2009

God is  ________________________ . Fill in the blank... I cannot tell you how exited I am to be part of  One Prayer 2009 .  Last June God used this series to change much around our church, The Community Fellowship.  I cannot wait to see him do this once again.  Go check out the website for the event at and check back often to see what is up.  This is not something you or your church ought to miss!

what are we spending our lives on?

"When we love, we are free." -- Frances Chan (quote from his book Crazy Love )   We are continuing our series Love More ... Expect Less. at The Community Fellowship , and yesterday we talked about how to have your best life.  If I had to sum it up in a single sentence, here it is: be consumed by God and His love as you serve others.  Hope that makes sense to you.  It does to me.   Galatians 5:13-14 (nasb) --- For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.   For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."   Those are huge verses with lots of complicated thoughts for us.  Lets just throw in a couple for today.   LIVE FREE.  God offers it.  We can accept it.  Live in it.  Freedom means we accept who God made us to be while we ...

Upward bball

Ryan shooting the ball

Upward Basketball

It has begun!

praying is an act of kindness [t] Friday E-Devotion

Zechariah 7:9 (nlt) --- This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kind ness to one another .   Are you touched like I am by acts of kindness and stories about changed lives?   I am.   Yep, there are people that are out for a handout and to take advantage others, but there are some people who just have big needs.   Know what?   I am convinced that the people of God have been gifted to give.   That is to give of ourselves to serve and love others.   By doing that we share the best of God and even point people to God.   That is the calling of my life.   I believe it is the calling of yours as well.   Yes, giving makes me feel good. That's good. But that giving also goes way far past me.   I love it when I hear a story of someone who gave without anyone else knowing where the gift or service came from.     I'm listening to a sermon from Frances Chan right...

minister to those in need [t] Thursday E-Devotion

Hebrews 13:16 (nlt) --- And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. I am sure you have noticed, as I have, that our economy and other issues have continued to make the population of those in need grow in big ways.  We've taken note of this in big ways, and The Community Fellowship has chosen to begin working in the homeless community right here and beyond.  There is a huge learning curve, but we are moving forward with learning. One way we are learning is through a partnership with Matthew Murphy, pastor and church planter in Roanoke, VA, that has a feeding ministry on Sunday afternoons.  On January the 18th, and the 3rd Sunday of coming months, we are going to be preparing, serving and sharing with Matthew in Roanoke.  If you are close to The Community and want to join in, let me know soon (we will share details on Sunday). A few weeks ago I was blessed to spend sometime with a gentlem...

others, others, others

I'm gonna close my day with the E-Devotion talking a little bit about ... you guessed it ... others.  But you are not going to be able to argue with me on these points.  Tell you why later:   Philippians 2:3  (nasb) --- Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;   Proverbs 11:25  (nlt) --- The generous will prosper;those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.   Matthew 6:15  (nlt) --- But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.   Matthew 7:12  (nlt) --- Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Luke 16:9  (nlt) --- Here's the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others ...   John 12:17  (nlt) --- Many in the crowd had seen Jesus call Lazarus from the tomb, raising him fro...