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Showing posts from May, 2010

what to bring to church Sunday

Lawn Chairs Food  (enough food for you & to share with others) Be ready to  celebrate Jesus !!! Yep. One of our favorite events. It is outdoor baptism followed by a picnic on the parking lot . At present there are 7 people who will be baptized this Sunday. Want to be baptized? Want to help set up? Come early! It all happens in our  Sunday 10:10am  worship time right in front of The Community Fellowship. Join in. Bring a friend.

what keeps us from seeing God work?

Psalm 46:10  (NLT) ---   "Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation.  I will be honored throughout the world." Other translations .... NASB ---  Cease striving CEV ---  Calm down, and learn that I am God! GWT ---  Let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God. HCSB ---  Stop [your fighting]—and know that I am God, Those are some powerful words.  And when we get it, really get it God will begin to work wonders as He has our hearts.  At that point He teaches us to trust Him more and listen less to our feelings and our emotions. I've been reminded of this several times, yet not in such a dramatic way as one instance in the recent past.  Honestly, I was stressed, worried and asking for help as well as consumed.  As I began to step back (not because I wanted to but God made that happen), God worked right in front of my eyes.  He changed the situation.  He turned the issue or the problem into a situation whe...

serving, giving, loving

1 Peter 4:10-11 (NLT) ---   God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Ame n. Each of us have talents and have gifts.  Our lives are blessed.  Those blessings are always measured by dollars and possessions.  Much of the time it can be measured by our ability.  It can also be seen in our heart, our passion and where we thrive. God has gifted us for one reason.  He gave us ability and gifts so that we can serve others.  How can we use what we have to serve our family, or our church, or even people we have never met. Case study: JESUS.  He came to serve and not be served.  One song that we sing says J...

some big ideas

This past week I went to conference with Greg from The Community.  This event is about ideas.  There were 7 speakers who spoke 30 minutes each.  It was good and an honor to serve there with Ben Arment who created the event. So, today I want to share with you just a few pieces of what I brought home: Jonathan Falwell --  To many of us are trying to wear someone else's armor.  We spend too much time trying to be something we are not.  Then we fall.√To many of us are trying to wear someone else's armor.  We spend too much time trying to be something we are not.  Then we fall. Falwell --  Pride and grace can't co-exi st. Falwell --   After Walt Disney has build Disney Land, he had a dream to build Disney World.  During construction Walt died.  At the dedication of Disney World someone said to Walt Disney's wife that is was a shame that Walt never saw this.  She replied, "he did see it. That's why it's here....

Eric Mason speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: We often reduce grace to what we think.  We often reduce love in terms of simply giving. Romans 1:15-17 --- Paul used a negative to talk about a positive by saying he was "not ashamed" Hebrews 12:2 --- Jesus despised the shame More references: Colossians 2:13-15, Romans 10:16, 15:10, 16:25 According the the Gospel it SAVES lost people and TRANSFORMS saved people. Even the disciple struggled with keeping the Gospel central in their lives. (Eric told a story of how this might of went down from Galatians 3.) Romans 8:29 --- we are destined to look like Christ.  That is from God. Colossians 1:29 --- we continue to strive or struggle with our enemy. (I was impressed and touched by Eric's message in a big way.  Looking forward to hearing more from him in the future.) (Learn more from Eric Mason here )

James MacDonald speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: No more bait and switch ... it is time for the church and ministry to know the truth.  Ministry is HARD but it is worth it. 1 Timothy 4:9 --- Paul was alone.  LONELINESS is often a fact.  It is lonely to lead. DISCOMFORT --- Paul asked them to bring stuff with them when they came to visit. CONFLICT --- in verse 15 Paul spoke of Alexander who did him much harm. REJECTION --- seen in verse 16 when Paul says no one came to stand by him. If we really knew the sweetness of heaven we would all make a beeline to get there.  Ministry is hard but it is worth is.  THE DAY is coming our way when we will be with Jesus.   We must realize it's not about me.  It's all about JESUS. James told a great story from his life about conflict at church when someone called him a donkey.  It hurt him deeply and he couldn't stop dwelling on it.  One day he was having lunch with one of his mentors who said "...

Perry Noble speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: We must embrace the season of pain in our lives as God will work through it.  When we do that, we will see and experience the blessing of God.  We will see Jesus in a unique way.  Just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the furnace had to be seven times hotter before they could see Jesus. CRITICISM It comes.  It is just the way it is.  Surround yourself with people who love Jesus and love you, but love you enough to tell you the truth.  Listen to your coach and not the fat guy in the stands yelling at you.  Don't focus on what you don't have.  Focus on what you do have and what God is doing. DEPRESSION You must have FUN.  What do you do for fun?  When was the last time went on a date with your wife?  Build your FAMILY.  The church will turn its back on you but your family won't.  Take care of your family.  Check your FOCUS.  Psalm 46:10 - be still (cease striving) and know that I am Go...

Jon Tyson speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: The most important task of a leader is to focus on the main thing.  Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing." He references the church in Revelation that had "left their first love" as to the fact that they once had their first love but something distracted them. People often think that a super pastor means a super or blessed or growing church.  That is a myth.  The myst of the super pastor.  We need cultural impact today. According to John 15 we are to help people remain in love with Jesus.  The ability to love God is a gift of God's grace. Remember your union with Christ. (Read more from Jon Tyson here )

Tony Morgan speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: My calling and our calling as church leaders is to help people take their next steps toward Christ.  Helping people become fully devoted followers of Jesus.  Is everything we do doing just that? People are looking at options.  Sometimes we offer so much that people get stuck.  Too options will lead people to be confused about the next step they should take.  Having fewer options helps people step forward with Jesus. Tony illustrated this by sharing about a church with tons of ministries.  He also talked about a display at a store of jelly.  One had about 20 jelly jars and the other had 6 jelly jars.  The one with the fewer choices had more people buying them.   We need to offer fewer and better options for people to step forward with Jesus. It is easy to measure activity, but it is hard to measure life change.  Yet it can be done. (That was a huge thought for me) Here are 4 questions we as church le...

Jonathan Falwall speaking at WiBO

The notes below are from and a message shared there: Speaking from 1 Peter 5 about PRIDE (thinking its all about me) and GRACE (its all about God). Lots of things are trying to push us off mission so we are not doing what we are called to do.  Those things are distractions.  As we stay close to Jesus, we will not be moved. PRIDE Be who God made you to be.  From 1 Samuel 17 David tried to put on King Saul's armor to battle Goliath.  He couldn't wear it because the armor didn't fit him.  So all David needed to take down the giant was what God provided him.  His skill with a slingshot and his righteous anger toward the enemy of God's army. To many of us are trying to wear someone else's armor.  We spend too much time trying to be something we are not.  Then we fall. Know who you are.  Accept who you are and what God made you to be.  Understand that God resists the proud. God has no desire for us to ministry clones. GRACE When God call...

look what God did

How do you let others know what God has done in your life?  First, you have to remember.  Second, you have to talk about it.  Third, then others will hear.  Case in point: Joshua 4:1-7 (GWT) ---   The whole nation finished crossing the Jordan River. The Lord had told Joshua,  2  "Choose one man from each of the 12 tribes.  3  Order them to pick up 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan, where the priests' feet stood firmly. Take the stones along with you, and set them down where you will camp tonight." 4  Joshua called the 12 men whom he had selected (one from each tribe).  5  He said to them, "Go to the middle of the Jordan River in front of the ark of the Lord your God. Each man must take a stone on his shoulder, one for each tribe of Israel.  6  This will be a sign for you. In the future your children will ask, 'What do these stones mean to you?' 7  You should answer, 'The water of the Jordan River was cut off in front of the ark of the Lord...

it's about character

God has called us to live by a new standard.   We are not be hypocrites that say one thing and do another.   Our lives are to overflow with the character of Jesus.   The more time we spend with God, the more of His character will flow through our lives.   Here is a huge look at those traits:   Galatians 5:22-23 (NASB) --- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.   That is FRUIT.   Singular.   These things go hand in hand as we walk with Jesus.   He changes us from the inside out.   I ask you and myself to examine the way we deal with our family, our coworkers and friends, our neighbors and even the people we meet on the street.   When we allow God to live and speak and breathe through our lives, we will be changed.   Because of our changed lives, others will be changed.   As people see and acknowledge what is happening in your life, especially those closes...

it's about character

God has called us to live by a new standard.   We are not be hypocrites that say one thing and do another.   Our lives are to overflow with the character of Jesus.   The more time we spend with God, the more of His character will flow through our lives.   Here is a huge look at those traits:   Galatians 5:22-23 (NASB) --- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.   That is FRUIT.   Singular.   These things go hand in hand as we walk with Jesus.   He changes us from the inside out.   I ask you and myself to examine the way we deal with our family, our coworkers and friends, our neighbors and even the people we meet on the street.   When we allow God to live and speak and breathe through our lives, we will be changed.   Because of our changed lives, others will be changed.   As people see and acknowledge what is happening in your life, especially those closes...

past failure, future success

Don't let your past failures destroy your future success.   Galatians 5:1 (NASB) --- It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.   Paul asked the people he cared about in Galatia why they went back to the old way.   Why did they throw out the grace of God for living by the law?   This happens often.   It happens when we don't understand what it is to live for Jesus.   At that point we go back to the old ways or to what feels natural because faith doesn't feel natural.   Grace is supernatural.   It believing what God says, not what Satan tells you and is a lie and not what you feel.   Here is what Paul said:   Galatians 5:7 (NASB) --- You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth?   God wants us to live in freedom and not go get the handcuffs and pain and shame and guilt we carried for so long.   He has forgiven our sin and removed the punishment of sin ...

Raceway Ministries & Martinsville Speedway Guest Services Picnic

Raceway Ministry Volunteers - You are invited to the annual Raceway Ministries & Martinsville Speedway Guest Services PICNIC.  It will take place on Tuesday, June 22nd at 6:30pm in the Speedway Suite overlooking the start/finish line.  Please help us pass the word to those who have served in the last year.  We will have a great time together along with a meal, sharing some memories, an award and preparing for the races ahead.  You will need to RSVP by Tuesday, June 15th by replying to this email or by calling our church office at 647-8231. Michael Harrison 276-647-8231 office PS - the Raceway Ministries fund raising Golf Tournament will be Saturday, June 12th.  Let us know if you need more information about that as well.

are you keeping people from being saved?

Romans 3:25  (NLT) ---  For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, Without Jesus we are lost.  If Jesus didn't die for our sins, there would be no hope, no way to heaven and no forgiveness of our sin.  It is through the blood of Jesus that we are saved and given life from God. This morning I read some of Dave Ohlerking' s book "It's All About the Blood of Jesus" and was blown away by this thought: Consider this.  We who name the name of Jesus are the only ones who can stop Golgotha's saving flow from reaching the hurting needing world. The devil cannot.  Hostile laws cannot. No barrier can stop it - except the silence and unwillingness of the Body of Christ.   (page 22) Dave was talking about the fact that wh...

meet the ANGEL MINISTRY @ The Community

Hello Community family – We want you to meet the ANGEL FOOD MINISTRY. Recently we entered into a partnership with Southside Community Action here in a Martinsville to provide this ministry to folks in our community who are hungry and who need food at reduced prices. Go take a look at . Our partnership actually begins this weekend with the first food being delivered on Saturday morning between 8 and 10am for those who have already purchased boxes. Southside Community Action is an organization seeking to help people here in Henry County who are hurting and in need. It has been a natural partnership as we have worked together helping those who are homeless. Leading this ministry here at The Community will be Robin Martin along with her husband Mike. Their family became a part of our church only a few months ago, but they jumped right in serving no long after they arrived. How can you be involved? 1. Volunteers are need on food distribution day which is the 3rd...

I don't like pain

1 Peter 3:14-15  (NASB) ---  But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don't worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. I don't like suffering at all.  Yet it is a part of life.  We have had people around us who have hurt for so many reasons.  Some of the reasons were self inflicted.  Choices were made that led to the results of suffering physically, emotionally or even spiritually.  Some suffering comes for no reason at all.  Such was the case of Job. The verse above has been running through my mind since late last week.  It was part of my sermon this past Sunday.  It talks about God working in our lives when we seek Him and want Him.  Yet suffering will still happen.  What do we do when suffering comes to us?   The first or maybe most natural happening is fear and worry.  See the verse above.  Go...

signs get your attention

Have you ever been going down the highway and a big sign get your attention?  I have.  Some of them are profound.  Some are funny.  Some are painful.  Others are insightful. God is the same way.  He will get our attention in lots of different ways.  But we need to listen.  What is it going to take for us to listen?  What will it take for us to learn? Psalm 46:10  (NLT) ---  "Be still, and know that I am God!I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world." Jeremiah 29:11  (NLT) ---  For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and ahope. Psalm 95:7  (NLT) ---  for he is our God.We are the people he watches over,the flock under his care.If only you would listen to his voice today! God speaks through circumstances, through prayer, through sermons, through the Bible, through the Holy Spirit inside every christian.  He speaks through ot...

signs get your attention

Have you ever been going down the highway and a big sign get your attention?  I have.  Some of them are profound.  Some are funny.  Some are painful.  Others are insightful. God is the same way.  He will get our attention in lots of different ways.  But we need to listen.  What is it going to take for us to listen?  What will it take for us to learn? Psalm 46:10  (NLT) ---  "Be still, and know that I am God!I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world." Jeremiah 29:11  (NLT) ---  For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and ahope. Psalm 95:7  (NLT) ---  for he is our God.We are the people he watches over,the flock under his care.If only you would listen to his voice today! God speaks through circumstances, through prayer, through sermons, through the Bible, through the Holy Spirit inside every christian.  He speaks through other p...

I am not God

I am not God.  You are shocked I know first that I am admitting that or maybe some of you thought ... no way.  But what I can say and admit is there are times that I act like I am God.  Most of us do.  And that is wrong. Are we trusting in ourselves, or our ability or strength or intelligence? Admitting that we are not God means that we allow God to work in and through our lives.  It also means that we expect more and more of God and watch Him do incredible things we cannot do without Him. Do you see what I mean?  Last week as I was praying (and I have already alluded to this earlier this week) God said one of the things that is standing in the way of us as a church and me as a leader is me.  Do you hear that?  I am in the way.  Listen up: Proverbs 3:5  (NLT) ---  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Are my thoughts what I am sharing or am I sharing God's thoughts?  Do I rely on what I call my vision or the vision that God has ...

I am not God

I am not God.  You are shocked I know first that I am admitting that or maybe some of you thought ... no way.  But what I can say and admit is there are times that I act like I am God.  Most of us do.  And that is wrong. Are we trusting in ourselves, or our ability or strength or intelligence? Admitting that we are not God means that we allow God to work in and through our lives.  It also means that we expect more and more of God and watch Him do incredible things we cannot do without Him. Do you see what I mean?  Last week as I was praying (and I have already alluded to this earlier this week) God said one of the things that is standing in the way of us as a church and me as a leader is me.  Do you hear that?  I am in the way.  Listen up: Proverbs 3:5  (NLT) ---  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Are my thoughts what I am sharing or am I sharing God's thoughts?  Do I rely on what I call my vision or the vision that God has plac...

Tomorrow is the "National Day of Prayer"

Learn more about the National day of Prayer by clicking on this link For as long as I can remember the National Day of Prayer has been a grand reminder that God is in still in charge of this world and our lives.  Yet our lack of prayer speaks volumes about our faith and what we believe about God.  Be honest.  How much time you spend praying each day?  Just a meal times?  Maybe just when you are in trouble?  Again, be honest and make s choice to pray. Last week I heard a powerful message from Brian Houston who is the pastor of Hillsong in Australia.  He shared some points that really hit home with me.  You may have read much of this in an earlier blogpost, but here are some thoughts from my sermon this past Sunday which was about prayer: James 5:16  (NLT) ---  Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. ...

you have a need

One of the most powerful messages I heard last week was from Tommy Barnett, pastor of Phoenix First AG and Matthew Barnett's father (my computer battery was dead so I didn't blog about his message; so I will share it today).  He talked about the fact that we all have needs.  But there are times when our complacency and mediocrity is tied to the fact that we don't think we have any needs. We must admit that we have needs.  We really do.  And when we realize we have needs, we will see God in and around our lives. We need more of the right kind of stuff.  Take away the need and we will not need the supply God can give.  You see, there is no lack of supply or money or the resources we and others have need of.  In fact, the bigger the need, the bigger the supply. Philippians 4:19  (NASB) ---  And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. God knows our needs better than we do.  Inside everyone of us is something that God placed...

I am free

Thank you for allowing me some time away as I've not written since the middle of last week.  Since that time God has spoken in so many awesome ways and has continued to teach me so much about the vision that He has placed on my and The Community.   Last night was full for me.  I had been gone almost a week and needed to get somethings done.  I mowed the grass (confession, yes I mowed on Sunday).  The song on my iPhone that caught my attention was the Newsboys ' "I Am Free".  Here are some of those lyrics: Through You the blind will see, Through You the mute will sing, Through You the dead will rise, Through You our hearts will praise, Through You the darkness flees, Through You my heart screams I am free ... I am free Chorus: I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for You, I am free Through You the kingdom comes, Through You the battle's won, Through You I'm not afraid, Through You the price is paid, Through You there's victory, B...