I know I shouldn't have favorites, but I do. Not talking about my family or the people who work with or for me. I'm talking about some of the people I get to talk with from time to time. When one of these people opens us and tells me what God is saying to them and doing through them, I get excited, my hearts begins to beat faster and I share what they tell me. So was the letter I just opened from Tim. He has attended our church on and off for a few years, but Tim recently got in a big mess and trouble. He will spend the next 3 years in one our State's correctional centers. But in Tim's letter were some incredible points that I have heard before, but these are so good from him. You see, Tim's health has been going down hill for sometime. Now he is in a place to get help but mainly to finally eat right. He is also in one of the tougher centers our state runs which means he is on lock down most of the time. Tim recounted in his letter to me about the co...