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Showing posts from December, 2009

the plan for 2010

Romans 15:13  (NLT) ---  I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. What are your plans for 2010?  No, I didn't ask about your resolutions because most of those will be broken before they start.  That is just a fact.  What are your hopes and dreams and deepest desires?  By the way, I have many and more are coming. Marvin Gaye's song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" says some of this for me ...  There ain't no mountain high enough, Ain't no valley low enough, Ain't no river wide enough, To keep me from getting to you ... There are some things you can't keep people from.  You have seen that and experienced it personally.  I have a drive inside of me to lead The Community Fellowship to touch more people for Jesus.  We have talked about a Dream Center type ministry in the middle of our coun...

in awe of God

"Spiritual maturity ... has everything to do with consciousness.  A relationship with Christ doesn't always change our circumstances. but it does change the way we see ourselves, see others and see god.  Why?  Because we see with our souls.  We become less self-conscious and more God-conscious.  It's almost like a second childhood.  As we recapture a childlike sense of wonder, we perceive everyone and everything for what it really is: a miracle." (Mark Batterson, Primal , page 69) Batterson's note has me stopping to look over my life.  Do you remember the times when you stood in awe and wonder of the things of God?  When was the last time that happened?  Those answers ARE a mark spiritual maturity. I want to sit in awe.  I want stand in wonder.  My deepest desire is honestly to know God and love Him more. For those of us who are older (above teenage years), I am talking about the wonder of a sunrise or the beauty of mountains.  There are thousand...

Thoughts on our Family Devotions

Several people have asked about our family devotion. Thought I'd share what we do. This is just the way we do things. There are lots of other methods. Point is, just do it. Lead your kids to see Jesus in all your family does. As we begin each family devotion, we read a small part of scriputure, then we talk about what we read, move on to share something we want to pray for including praying for someone else and then we take takes praying. Use an easy translation of the Bible. I use GWT God's Word Translation because it is very easy. We read through a book of the Bible (John has been our favorite) and read about a paragraph or from one topic to another. Hearing each other pray is huge. Sometimes my kids do a great job. Sometimes not so good. The most important part is be consistent. Every day at about the same time. We either do it at the dinner table or a few minutes before bed time. Family devotions have been a huge blessing to our family. Have to thank my friend...

have I changed?

Each day brings new insight and blessing and challenges as well as opportunities.  The last several weeks have been overloaded for me as God speaks through the Bible.  Some incredible stuff has been put before me and continues to change me, from the inside out. Today is no different.  The Scripture below is longer than what I normally give is but is a powerful passage that God pointed some things out to me through.  I have put a couple thoughts into.  But I ask that you go get your Bible and read Matthew 6 for yourself.  Just you and God.  See what He says.  I love it.  But it also hurts. MATTHEW 6 (from The Message) 16-18 "When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don't make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won't make you a saint. If you 'go into training' inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face. God doesn't...

small choices, big difference [+] Thursday E-Devotion

Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Have you noticed that some of the smallest choices you have made brought the biggest differences in your life?  It is true.  We have heard stories, we have watched things happen and God is in total control.  Are we following Jesus?  The little choices we make in following Jesus will make a big difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Luke 1:38 (NIV) ---  "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. Matthew 1:24 (NIV) ---  When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wif e. That's the story of Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus.  Because both chose to follow what God said, the world has been and continues to be changed.  Small choices have made a big difference. Not many months ago my wife and I talked about supporting a new ministry that was just introduced t...

Christmas Poem & our Jesus gift

Jeff Ginn shared the poem below in his weekly video newsletter from the .  For years Julie and I have known the importance of mission giving as we support several missionaries and organizations personally, and we also lead our church to support missions.   Our mission offering this year is $2,000.  Once again we chose to make our biggest Christmas gift to this offering and to Jesus.  I would challenge to give your best gift.  Give something.  The Community will be taking our offering through the 2nd week of January.   This poem is a powerful word to us, followers of Jesus.  Join us as we give and seek to win more people to knowing Jesus.  Read on:   His Name Is at the Top   I had the nicest Christmas list, The longest one in town, Till Daddy looked at it and said, "You'll have to cut it down." I knew that what he said was true Beyond the faintest doubt, But was amazed to hear him say, "You've left your best Friend out." And so...

Jesus & His ONE LIFE

JESUS made a difference with His one life.   You can see that all through the story of Scripture, but that can also be found in my life and many others.   How about yours?   His birth was a miracle.   Have you taken the trip through the Bible and through prophecy about Jesus?   It takes you through the places where Jesus was, was born and lived.   All of those things were told in the Bible before Jesus came to earth and about the things that happened in His life.   I am amazed by the faith of Mary and Joseph.   They went the 2 nd mile and even further.   The Bible tells us how they dealt with what they were told and given.   Big faith led to big happenings.   The same happens today!   Are we shining our light for Him?   We must live wide-eyed for Him   Luke 11:33-36 (the Message) --- "No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. they're going. Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with ...

"Primal" new book from Mark Batterson

I am in the middle of reading Mark Batterson' s brand new book Primal .  I believe the most powerful book I have ever read is the Bible, but the most influential leadership book is Batterson's In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day .  That book helped shape our team as The Community Fellowship came to life.  I can see much of our faith, risk and desire from what God did in and through our lives. A new journey is before me as Mark takes his reader in to the catacombs of faith and history.  Only a few chapters into the book, I am already stunned by the things that God has taught me and led me to think through.  Each page seems to leave me pausing to pray, think and take notes.  The book will surely be highlighted, underlined and shared more than most I read. You will have to wait on the depth of where the book takes me, but please take this as my first recommendation.  Buy a copy.  Wait, buy two and give one away.  I am only days away from ordering a case to share with those aroun...

We've Arrived

Our family loves Christmas. We spent much of the weekend getting ready to travel. The snow was awesome. Yeah, it hampered our service Sunday at The Community, but our family got to play together in the snow, we got to worship with a group of friends and had some great moments together. Now we have arrived in Vidalia where my wife was raised. My mother in law treated us to a wonderful dinner. Our new puppy is having a ball and chewing up stuff, like opening presents. Not good. But our Christmas is set. Last night we got to bless and share with some of our neighbors. Today we talked about the reason for the season. I'm planning some more moments of Jesus time. I can't wait. How is Jesus part of your celebration? Please pray for my friend Rodney Jamison. He is pastor of Crossroads Baptist Chapel in Burnsville, West Virginia. They had 3 feet of snow and have no electricity at present. He also had a car accident today. Rodney is fine but needs our prayers. The Community...

Sunday Worship, Dec 20th & Our Christmas Meal

We WILL be having worship Sunday morning, Dec 20th, at 10:10am. BUT if it is not safe for you to travel, please stay at home. The parking lot at church has been cleared. We will be having the meal after the worship service.  We are not going to Roanoke to feed the homeless. Tomorrow's worship will be small, and that is OK. I am looking forward to sharing the message that God has on my heart. I'll see some of you in the morning. Pastor Michael (James 1:5) PS ā€“ please pass this message on to those who we will not see it online or in this email. Thank you!

Worship on Sunday, Dec 20th

We WILL be having worship Sunday morning, Dec 20th, at 10:10am. BUT if it is not safe for you to travel, please stay at home. The parking lot at church has been cleared. We are not going to Roanoke to feed the homeless. Tomorrow's worship will be small, and that is OK. I am looking forward to sharing the message that God has on my heart. I'll see some of you in the morning. Pastor Michael (James 1:5) PS ā€“ please pass this message on to those who will not see it online or in this email. Thank you!

Roanoke Homeless Feeding CANCELED

We will not be going to Roanoke tomorrow to feed the homeless. We've had about a foot of snow and Roanoke has had close to 2 feet of snow. Pastor Matthew Murphy is considering canceling their worship but has canceled the feeding due to road conditions. We will have worship on Sunday, tomorrow at 10:10. If you can make it safely, please come on to The Community. Pass this word on to those who do not have email or Internet. Thanks. Make it a priority serve those around you this week. Christmas is only 6 days away. Christmas is all about Jesus!

Birth Announcement

Bella was born on October 9, 2009 and joined our family today. She is 10 weeks old and mostly black and a little tan. Cute and cuddly. Her sisters, Ruth and Rebecca, and her brother, Ryan, are excited about the new little one. You will get to meet her soon.

a blessing this Christmas

Today I spent time with the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5 and from The Message.  These are powerful words.  Spend some time with them.  Read and think through each You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope --- less of you & more of God and You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you --- you are embraced by the One most dear to you You're blessed when you're content with just who you are --- then you have everything You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God --- He's fill you completely You're blessed when you care, 'care-full' --- you will be cared for You're blessed when you get your inside worldā€”your mind and heartā€”put right --- you see God in the outside world You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight --- discovering who you really are, and your place in God's family. You're blessed when your commi...

are you a Pharisee?

Ofte n I find myself hearing a word from God that is for me to share with others, yet there are times that God wants me to sit still, be quiet and think through some stuff just for me.   In fact, I have to do that with everything that I preach and share.     A question came through my mind last week and this week about Pharisees.   This may be hard to explain.   Jesus has much to say, as did others, to these religious leaders.   I am sure they were not all bad or warped, but that is how we know them.   When these leaders heard Jesus, they had to respond.   That was not and was never easy.   Sometimes I need to hear things not so easy to hear.   I need to respond and hear from God.   One case was the passage below where John the Baptist slams religious leaders.   Read on ā€¦   Matthew 3:7-11  (The Message) --- When John realized that a lot of Pharisees and Sadducees were showing up for a baptismal experience because it was becoming the popular thing to do, he exploded: "B...

insignificant people

Proverbs 15:31-33  (NIV) ---   He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.   He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.    The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.   Powerful words for leads.   I read them this morning with lots of anticipation of what this week holds.   Our Christmas celebration worship.   Lots of gifts and sharing and loving on people.   Then I made my way back to this past Sunday's message.   Do feel like you are insignificant?   I asked that and talked about how our lives can count for God.   One Life can make a huge difference.   Our lives can and must make a difference.   The stories in Scripture and around us are real.   When Jesus was born was a significant time of history.   His parents named the baby Jesus, as they were told to do by God, because His name means that God saves.   It was the obedience of Jesus' parents that led th...

bragging on my team

Hebrews 13:7  (NLT) ---  Remember your  leaders  who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith. I am getting ready for a short road trip, but I wanted to send a shout out and brag a bit about the people I work with at The Community .  As their pastor, I am not slanted in this at all.  Hear me out. Our people are always going further than what I have seen others do.  Last week over 100 people made commitments to serve people outside the church this Christmas.  Some are serving the homeless of our community.  Some are helping a family in need.  Others are helping at a local school or with a local organization.  I am proud of our folks.  They are great people.  This next year will be full of more awesome things because we are taking it to the next level. Our leadership team Christmas party was tonight (Sunday night).  We had an incredible time.  Blessed to say the least.  As the party ended, we sh...

broken over our sin

Luke 22:60-62  (The Message) ---  Peter said, "Man, I don't know what you're talking about." At that very moment, the last word hardly off his lips, a rooster crowed. Just then, the Master turned and looked at Peter. Peter remembered what the Master had said to him: "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times." He went out and cried and cried and cried . That scripture hit me yesterday, and I wanted to share this with you before the weekend.  What was going through Peter's mind after he denied Jesus?  I can only imagine what he was thinking, how he was grieving and hurt because of his choice to deny Jesus.  He had been warned by Jesus that this was going to happen. When Peter left that place, he cried.  He was broken.  Are we broken when we see how we missed talking about Jesus or letting others see him?  Put yourself in Peter's place.  If you are honest, you have been there as I have.  It also amazes me that Peter was the on...

"Scouting the Divine" a review

This morning I finished reading  Scouting the Divine  and have been challenged through the journey that Margaret Feinberg took me and her readers on.  In this book she writes about her plunge into the Scripture of things that nature and creation might teach us about God.   She begins with a visit to a shepherd named Lynne who helped to unlock the vault and treasury of sheep and shepherds in the Bible.  I felt like I was on her journey when she described the peaceful place of being with and taking care of the sheep.  The portions of the Bible that Margaret and Lynne discussed have added much to my understanding of how the sheep deal follow their shepherd and how the shepherd cares for their sheep. The next leg of the journey took Margaret on a visit to see a friend named Joe and his uncle Aaron was is a farmer in the mid west.  I love how she describes meeting and getting to know Joe, but the best piece is Margaret driving a big John Deere tractor.  I remember doing that on a friend...

take a risk, fulfill your dreams

Luke 19:26  (The Message) ---  He said, 'That's what I mean: Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag. That is a revealing verse to say the least.  When people begin to risk their lives for Jesus, things change.  Things change in that person's life, in the lives around then and in their circumstances.  The same is true in the other direction.  When we chose not to take risks, things change, and most likely, that person begins to miss some of the bet things that could happen. So which person are you?  Are you a risk taker or do you play it safe? When God begins to work around us or in situations, people begin to get uncomfortable.  That happens today and it even happened in Jesus' day. Luke 20:19  (The Message) ---  The religion scholars and high priests wanted to lynch him on the spot, but they were intimidated by public opinion. They knew the story was about them. What must of been going thr...