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Showing posts from July, 2010

When Little Things Add Up (guest post)

Post from Dan Cathy, president of Chick-fil-A , and posting this on his blog here .  Read on: When Little Things Add Up. Although I'm not sure anyone can really "own" a bee, I do keep them in my yard. For years, thousands of these natural wonders have made their home in hives on my property. Like a living garden, they grow and change and to me, reveal God's handiwork. And sometimes, they even teach me a little about teamwork. Lots of people love honey. Housed in little squeezable bears or golden-colored jars that seem to capture everything that's bright and perfect about the summer, honey is a wonderful treat. But, have you ever thought about what it takes to make honey? Have you ever heard the bee math behind a single pound of it? I assure you, it's astonishing. To make a single pound of honey, it takes two million flowers. To make a single pound of honey, the bees in my hives will touch and tap two million different flowers. I haven't done an offici...

getting through the pain

Life has it's pain.  We have all been through times.  This past Sunday I shared a message with our church family about how we look at the trouble that comes our way.  How we deal with these struggles speaks directly to our faith or our lack of faith. James 1:2-4 (NLT) ---  Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.   For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.   So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. All of us deal with trouble in our lives, and one of the things that we just don't get, don't understand is the issue of SUFFERING.  When suffering comes, there are many things we can do, ways we can turn and even life we can gain or lose. What do you do with suffering?  Does suffering stop you in your tracks or in your faith?  Or, does suffering strengthen you and give you perspective and drive you ...

the power of ONE

As we arrived at our mission site in Flatwoods, WV yesterday we heard the story about a young girl who was visiting her grandmother because her mom had to have surgery.  That girl came to Bible school on Monday night and asked Jesus into her heart!!!  God is good. My phone rang yesterday afternoon and it was Joseph Dayamba.  He wanted to thank me and my wife for our support and prayers.  He runs a school in Burkina Faso, Africa where many Muslim children are hearing the truth about Jesus and some are accepting Jesus as their savior.  His stories will make you stop and praise God. One of our teen guys wanted to share the devotion for our mission team last night, and the overflow was so good.  Our team had a great discussion about jealousy, being satisfied with what we have and seeing the need that those around us are in.  Cody did an excellent job sharing his heart and from his new Bible. It was an honor to spend time with our friend Rodney Jamison who is the pastor of Cr...

God will blow your socks off

As you read this, I am part of a mission team from The Community Fellowship working with Little River Baptist Chapel in Flatwoods, West Virginia.  Today was an incredible day (I write this as Monday is about to be gone).  We have gotten to interact with some great people as well as partner with another church, First Baptist Liberty, South Carolina, to help this church in rural America. Some things that stood out in my mind about this day: +  conversation with a guy at a store about what God is doing in his life +  hearing about the culture around Flatwoods and about the needs of people who are seeking Jesus (many who need to seek Jesus) +  story about an older lady who is running from God but today turned toward God and helped her grandkids learn more about Jesus +  ability our team had to accomplish more than we thought possible +  listening to our team talk about the Bible, share what God is going in our lives and how we desire others to be touched by God. I have ...

mission trip to Flatwoods, WV in pictures

Sunday, July 25 I will go with a team of 10 to work with Ace Sliger and Living River Chapel in Flatwoods, WV.  See the pictures for a bit of the story and what is around that area  There is a story of a Flatwoods monster, and we will be looking for this interesting creature which working on the church.  There is even possibility with helping with VBS there.  Pray for our team.  Wait for a few updates, and I will catch you all later....

who are you listening to?

It was lunch time.  I had come to town to help another church with something they had going on.  So, the pastor and I were going to have lunch together.  this is a guy that I respect greatly and is a great leader. We ordered our food, and I started firing away with the questions (this was several months ago).  His answer that sticks in my mind the most was from my question about leading leaders.  He said, "share with those you lead who is leading you, who you are reading from and who is stretching you."  That shot back into my mind this morning after I had stopped to read some things from Paul J. Meyer .   My dad went to school with Meyer's wife.  Meyer died last year and his legacy is incredible.  I had heard his name before, but now I am getting to hear and see so much more as I begin to read his books on leadership. That pastor I mentioned said to tell people who you are learning from.  I believe that we need to take every opportunity to learn.  Sit a...

ask God for more

Today's thought is short but big.  Answer this: what have you asked God for lately? Henry Blackaby said in his book Experiencing God that the reason people are not seeing God work is because they are not attempting things that only God can do.  That makes sense to me; how about you? I found myself sitting in a meeting this morning that was bigger than I expected.  Only 4 people in the room, but the outcome make very well be something we have prayed for.  Not just what we prayed for but more.  Hearing others share what is on their hearts also has and continues to full my vision and the dreams that God has put in me.  It is awesome to say the least. Sitting at that table I again asked God to fill our desire of a homeless shelter in our area.  I asked God to do more than that.  Simply put: we asked God to give people stories of life change as we allow God to work through us. What you asking God for? Wisdom, discernment or direction .... James 1:5  (NLT) ---  If you need wis...

unstoppable relationships

Sunday was an incredible day for me as I watched our folks interact with the message I was honored to share.  It was our last day of the  One prayer series, and God laid on my heart to deal with relationships and how God desires our lives to be built on Jesus.  The overflow of the day has left me in awe. I listened to the story of a man whose marriage is being restored. I got a letter from a visitor whose life has recently been torn apart by divorce but sees God's love in living color. I watched some couples spend time together praying and sharing. Several other people have stepped in to listen more to what God has to say. Those are big stories, and that is not the end of them.  Think with me about the relationships you are in.  Your marriage, your children, your co-workers and friends ... all of those should see Jesus through the way you interact with them.  When we live by the example of Jesus and share the love of God, things change.  God's kind of l...

time with family

This will be the only devotion this week as Julie, the kids and I are spending time with my family in Oklahoma and having a great time. Proverbs 23:25  (NLT) So give your father and mother joy!  May she who gave you birth be happy. Ephesians 6:2  (NLT) "Honor your father and mother." This is the first commandment with a promise " On Sunday we pulled it off.  My brothers and I set up a celebration for my parents 50th anniversary.  They were surprised in big ways.  There were new friends and old friends who came to celebrate with us.  Some of the people I have not seen in decades.  It was amazing in so many ways. As I reflect on the almost 40 years these people have been my family, I see that i am so blessed.  Not only am I blessed with my precious wife and kids.  But my mom and dad and brothers are incredible people.  I don't get to spend as much time with them as I look. Around that room there were people who have poured into my life. ...

some big steps

What are some of the biggest steps you have ever taken in your life?  Could be a move to a new place or a new job or all kinds of things.  Faith often calls us to take some serious steps and often what might be called leaps of faith. As God gets ahold of our lives, we change.  That change is called sanctification where God is making us more and more like Jesus.  Steps we take are used by God and demonstrate that we have faith.  A lot like what we talked about early this week with unstoppable faith. This weekend we are talking about even more steps as such that show we have courage to follow God.  The verses below are big steps we need to take ... 2 Peter 1:5-8  (GWT) Because of this, make every effort to add integrity to your faith; and to integrity add knowledge;  to knowledge add self-control; to self-control add endurance; to endurance add godliness;  to godliness add Christian affection; and to Christian affection add love.  If you have these qualities and t...

strong words

As we step back and listen, we might learn some powerful things or even hear some insight that will make life sweeter and easier.  It happened like that for me today.  Slowing down is not one of my strengths, but I stopped for a few minutes this morning hoping to gain some perspective.  God spoke.  He spoke through scripture. Each of us has a filter through which we hear and see and even act.  I am a child of God, a husband, a dad, a pastor and there are many things going on around me.  There you have pieces of my filter.  Through those things and in the quiet, I read this: 1 Peter 5:5-11 (GWT) --- ...  Furthermore, all of you must serve each other with humility, because God opposes the arrogant but favors the humble. Be humbled by God's power so that when the right time comes he will honor you.   Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you. Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks fo...

strong words

As we step back and listen, we might learn some powerful things or even hear some insight that will make life sweeter and easier.  It happened like that for me today.  Slowing down is not one of my strengths, but I stopped for a few minutes this morning hoping to gain some perspective.  God spoke.  He spoke through scripture. Each of us has a filter through which we hear and see and even act.  I am a child of God, a husband, a dad, a pastor and there are many things going on around me.  There you have pieces of my filter.  Through those things and in the quiet, I read this: 1 Peter 5:5-11 (GWT) --- ...  Furthermore, all of you must serve each other with humility, because God opposes the arrogant but favors the humble. Be humbled by God's power so that when the right time comes he will honor you.   Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you. Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for ...

unstoppable faith

Faith is something that few people understand.  There is a huge difference between a relationship with God and being religious.  Real Faith is connection to God not just the church or doing right things.   Understand this: God is faithful.  That is why our faith can REST in Him.   2 Timothy 2:13 ā€Ø(NLT) --- If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.   Hebrews 10:23 ā€Ø(NLT) --- Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful   1 Corinthians 1:9 ā€Ø(NLT) --- God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.   Faith and works has long been one of those fights or struggles or paradoxes that is hard to understand.  Real faith changes us.  Real faith is unstoppable.  The book of James took this on in gigantic proportions.   Our faith becomes unstoppable as we trust God, focus on God and do what He says to do.  What lets others know we are God follower...

God at work in South Dakota

A note from Tuesday. Read on.... I am sitting in the area where we eat at Cross Pointe Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Our students from The Community Fellowship have joined with about 150 other students to work with new churches in this area.  What is most exciting to be is to watch what God is doing and what others are experiencing God do.  Here are just a few notes: - watching a teen guy pray to asking Jesus in his heart last night at our block party. - one of our leaders, our youth leader's husband, walked in the room last night and was so excited as he told me about a project he was going to take care of ... rebuilding a swing set in a mobile home community where lots of the hispanic people like that 1/2 our team is working with this week. - one of our teenager girls fell in love yesterday with this precious little girl who wouldn't let her go (talked to our teen about how she is praying for this little girl; wow) - our team has worked hard, ...
Montana and Allisha were part of our extended team working this week at the block party at Linwood Park with Journey Church of Sioux Falls, SD. My precious wife is the beautiful girl in the middle.
Rob and Karen are amazing people. They serve their new church in big ways. It is Journey Church in Sioux Falls, SD. She also works with the Dakota Baptist Convention. Have really loved working with them this week in Sioux Falls, SD
Block party with pastor Daniel of Cross Pointe Spanish Church and our tram serving at Whittier Park in Sioux Falls, SD